The scientists’ findings show that kovid-19 can significantly damage the work of the kidneys, liver, heart and brain in some patients. And in the long run. A recent study showed that up to 91 percent of patients who “recovered” have at least one long-term complication of this disease, writes “Best Life.”
The new findings are the result of a study conducted in 965 patients who recovered from kovid-19 in South Korea. The scientists said that 879 respondents, or 911 percent of them, said they had a long-lasting symptom. Fatigue was the most common symptom (reported in 26 percent of patients), and difficulty concentrating was reported among 25 percent of patients, according to the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KDCA).

Many patients said that they also had psychological problems and a long-term loss of the sense of taste and smell, and in some this consequence was present even a few months after the end of hospital treatment.
The research results are further proof that a large number of people who have had a crown struggle with the long-term consequences of this disease.
The World Health Organization recently announced that long-term symptoms such as fatigue, cough, headache, and loss of the sense of taste and smell remain common among the population aged 18 to 34, two or three weeks after receiving positive test results.
The same report says that 40 percent of patients who survived the SARS pandemic in 2003, which was also caused by the coronavirus, showed symptoms of chronic fatigue that lasted three and a half years after diagnosis. The agency concluded that there is growing evidence of long-term health complications affecting the heart, lungs, brain and mental health of patients.
Mention should also be made of a July Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that showed 35% of patients screened did not make a full recovery even two to three weeks after testing positive for the virus, and many said they felt tired. Some experts believe that the disease can cause a chronic fatigue syndrome known as myalgic encephalomyelitis.


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