RESULTS OF THE FIRST ROAD INVESTIGATION: Killed on the way to work in the Czech Republic


How terrible the collision was is also shown by the fact that four injured were yesterday in the Intensive Care Unit of the Belgrade Emergency Center and KBC “Zemun”, while one girl, fortunately, died with minor injuries.

Both vehicles were traveling on the highway in the direction of Shida. According to the first findings of the investigation, it is assumed that the truck, which was transporting beehives, was a little slower and that the truck “collided” with it. The impact was so strong that the front of the truck was completely destroyed.

– The injured passengers were trapped in the van until the firefighters arrived to cut the vehicle and remove them – said visibly shocked drivers who were on the road at the time of the accident.

Numerous recordings that “flooded” the portals and social networks that same night showed that some immediately came to the rescue and tried to open the door of the truck, but without success.

Photo by I. Marinković

The van in which they died is owned by the transporter “Pekson tim”, known for driving “tours” every day to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, but also to Serbia. The director of the company, Predrag Marić, told us yesterday that a group of six passengers rented a van to take them to the Czech Republic, where they went to work.


According to the first unofficial information, the truck driver was slightly injured, and the curiosity is that all the baskets stacked on the trailer, despite the terrible crash, remained in place. Only the truck was pushed to the right and slightly damaged at the rear.

– I still have no information from the police on how the traffic accident happened. I’m in shock, I was left without a colleague, who was a great man – Marić told us in his breath. – He was a professional driver, healthy, non-smoker, never drank. The truck was practically new, it was only a year old, so I don’t think anything was wrong. It is not clear to me what happened, because Dragan was not even tired of driving, he had practically just left Belgrade.

Maric reveals that Macinkovic left behind his wife and three children:

– I spoke with my family, I will help them with everything about the funeral … I don’t know what to tell you. A girl called me who was sitting in the back of the truck, luckily she survived and looks good.

Was the beekeeper’s cousin in a van?

As “Novosti” unofficially finds out, the beehive truck was driven by the famous beekeeper Ratko Simović from the village of Donja Gorevnica near Mrčajevac. That fate could have played with him is also indicated by the almost cinematic script according to which his uncle’s brother was in the truck, which collided with a truck with beehives, which was seriously injured, but fortunately his life was not in danger.

Maric says that they are “one of the most serious companies in Serbia dealing with passenger transport” and that they have 60 employees, that they have all the necessary licenses and that they work in a completely legal manner, in accordance with the required regulations.

Investigation Speeding and negligence are common causes of accidents on the roads of our country, Photo by M. Anđela

– All drivers are licensed professionals, who regularly undergo medical examinations – Marić is categorical.

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