Restoration of the Episcopal Palace: Is the cultural monument preserved or permanently damaged?


The Diocese of Bačka announced that unknown persons broke into the construction site and the courtyard of the Episcopal Palace in Novi Sad on the night between 8 and 9 October, which they claimed was the result of a media harangue against the Church. Serbian Orthodox. The president of the provincial government, Igor Mirović, called it “an attempt to lynch the bishop of Bačka and all those who care about ecclesiastical and national values.” And in reality it is a controversy that has been going on among the public for days about whether the Episcopal Palace, as a third category cultural monument, has been preserved or damaged by the reconstruction of the facade.

Everyone agrees that it is time to place the scaffolding on the cultural monument, which was the home of the Bishop of Bačka. However, what appeared as a result on the east facade divided the profession.

“You have all the preconditions and then it happens that by not understanding yourself, in the wrong communication and what is perhaps the most devastating for me, because of some unwarranted fear of some other external factors, you allow the result to be bad,” said Katarina Maksimov . , President of the Society of Conservatives of Serbia.

“Well, I think the controversy about work that is 90 percent complete is first too late, and second, I think that if it is not malicious on the part of individuals, then there is a lot of ignorance in those claims,” ​​he says. Zoran Vapa, director of the Provincial Institute of Cultural Monuments.

He sees a bad result, above all, in the inadequate ceramic tiles that replaced the original ones from 1901. The cause, he says, is the misunderstanding between the two institutes for the protection of cultural monuments, the provincial and the city. The first was in charge of the eastern façade, and the second of the remaining two and the complete supervision of conservation.

The City Office did not respond to H1’s questions. In the province, on the other hand, they show us the project they have been working on for more than a year, they explain very seriously.

At the request of the Diocese of Bačka, he says, in 2017, they began to record the current situation. In March 2018, they had a finished project, but also a big problem: They couldn’t find a ceramic tile manufacturer that matched the original. The negative answer came first from the Kanjiža factory.

“Then we were offered Porcelanosa, one of the three largest ceramic producers in the world, from Villarreal near Valencia, to make test samples, and the test samples were presented at a joint meeting in the Diocese in June 2019.” Vapa said.

“If we were really sure that it was not really possible and that no one in the region could make identical or replicas of these tiles, we could be satisfied with the current result. However, that is not true. Experts from the city’s institute found a manufacturer in Hungary who made a prototype and a certain number of pieces and square meters of tiles that fully complied with the quality that was needed and that was prescribed by the conditions, ”says Maksimov.

The director of the provincial office also confirms that the city institute insisted on the producer from Hungary. However, he says, the key problem was the lack of a certificate and the fact that it would significantly prolong the works.

“The contractor was forced to pay 20 thousand euros just to make the tool. After the tool was manufactured, a test series had to be done and the required certificate for the test series was obtained. At that time, we had already broken all deadlines, ”adds Vapa.

That is, if they had waited for the tiles from Hungary, the works, he says, would have been extended until 2021, and that was not possible due to the budget. Following deadlines when it comes to cultural monuments should not be a priority, responds the president of the Conservation Society. Now the work is almost finished, so when the scaffolding is gone, the original preserved tiles from 1901 will adorn the front of the patio.
