Restitution: There is no compensation without coefficient, there is no coefficient because the Government does not make a decision


A year ago, you could say that restitution was coming to an end. However, in order for the former owners, confiscated after the Second World War, to receive compensation, it is necessary for the Government to make a decision on the compensation coefficient on the basis of which the exact amount to be paid within a period of 12 years. The government was supposed to do that in March this year, but that has yet to happen.

The total amount foreseen for compensation is two billion euros. Only when the Government determines the compensation coefficient will payment begin. The authorities say that this did not happen due to the coronavirus epidemic, but also that it is necessary to change the law regarding the issuance of bonds and the way in which they are collected.

“For example, the exact maturity must be regulated. Now, as provided by law, it is not adequately regulated in detail. There is a possibility that all solutions will mature in one year. And the nature of public finances must be regulated accordingly. such that the obligations are clearly defined every year, “says Strahinja Sekulic, director of the Restitution Agency.

The villa in Dedinje is not subject to restitution.

On the other hand, the Restitution Network considers that it is the only sustainable part of the law that implies the return of goods in kind through restitution or substitution, while seeing compensation as a small settlement of the owner that all citizens will suffer.

As long as the donation of construction and agricultural land to magnates and like-minded people lasts, it is not about accepting any compensation in bonds, so we absolutely advise all citizens who receive the eventual right to compensation – to complain without arguing. From that solution. they will have nothing, and on the other hand, the formal conditions will be created so that their property, which they are looking for, let’s say it can be returned and exists, is simply stolen ”, emphasizes Mile Antić from the Restitution Network.

Claims for recovery of property and compensation of owners were filed from March 2012 to March 2014. After that period, the issue of restitution can no longer be raised.

“Such an idea would bring such a mess in the property relations of this country that it would be difficult to get out of it. Two years was a long time. The preparations to pass the law took two years. Someone had done it, from the moment they found out. that the law would be passed. – He had almost three years to submit the application. It was not a condition for the documentation to be completely complete, but it was sufficient for him to submit the application himself, “says Sekulić.

It has long been speculated who the owner is and whether the object of the restitution is the villa in Dedinje, where Jovanka Broz lived for more than three decades, and into which the future prime minister could move. The villa, whose complete renovation was paid for by the state, is not subject to restitution, and Ana Brnabić’s cabinet told H1 today that the government has not yet made a decision on which facilities the future prime minister will use.
