Rest in peace, our angel, now you are enjoying your father’s lap


The boy Andrej P. (12), who was killed by NS (19) from Belgrade on Medijana Boulevard on December 4, was buried today in the New Cemetery of Nis.

The closest ones, relatives, neighbors attended the funeral to send the children to eternal rest. Even the hardest of hearts shed a tear for an innocently murdered child walking on the sidewalk and unaware that an evil fate was lurking from the “Audi”, which was moving much faster than the prescribed speed on the boulevard.

Andrej P., funeral, Nis, audi, audi of death, Mediana Boulevard
photo: Курир / MS

During the funeral it rained all the time, while a sad procession followed the white coffin.

In addition to Andrej, Dejan Ilić (48), the father of three children, also died. That day, according to the police at the scene, NS turned due to the high speed and the slippery and wet road, his car slipping so that he collided with the side of the “Audi” and killed two pedestrians. He was arrested shortly after and is in custody.

Andrej P., funeral, Nis, audi, audi of death, Mediana Boulevard
photo: Курир / MS

– Prayer unites us from birth to death. That is why I hope that we will meet in heaven where you now enjoy the kingdom of God, on your father’s lap. Therefore, we do not say goodbye to you, but goodbye to our angel. We promise to visit you in spirit, connected in prayer. The hope of eternity lives in us. We will mark your place where you are waiting for the resurrection with a candle so that we can feel your fragrance and the memory of you. Rest in peace, our angel, and know that we love you. Until our reunion in heaven, in the eternity we wait, his family – it was said in the small chapel of the New Cemetery of Nis on the occasion of the tragic death of a child who lost his father only two years ago.

Andrej P., funeral, Nis, audi, audi of death, Mediana Boulevard
photo: Курир / MS

Family members had a harder time at the funeral, especially her mother and uncle Jozi, who cried all the time. There were also people at the funeral who gave the boy mail from the backyard and did not know the family.

Neighbors from Nis announced a protest at the place where Andrej P. and Dejan Ilić were killed on Saturday at 3pm, because in recent months young people have been boasting of driving fast.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
