Respiratory infections started, like knowing it’s not a crown


The absences of children have already started in Belgrade schools due to respiratory infections, which does not necessarily mean that the crown is in question, but the symptoms are usually the same as with kovid 19, but also allergies.

It is the beginning of fall, the time of year when respiratory infections and allergic reactions begin, but also the first fall that we enter with the crown, so many are wondering how to distinguish what exactly it is.

photo: Shutterstock

Dr. Vojislav Lekić, Director of the Pediatric Hospital “Dr. Olga Popović Dedijer”, points out to Kurir that pediatricians know very well how to classify patients and that parents should immediately call the nearest health center for diagnosis .

– Our health is well organized in the conditions of the coronavirus. When the child arrives, a complete history of his contacts is taken, in each health center there is the option of taking the immediate test for kovid 19. Rapid test and additional diagnostic methods, hemogram, leukocytes, these are the mechanisms by which it is clearly determined what type of infection the word is. Based on that, where the child should be treated is further evaluated, Dr. Lekić emphasizes, adding:

– Now that in late September, early October, respiratory viruses and allergies are already beginning, every experienced pediatrician can assess the cause of the disease. The symptoms of a respiratory infection are: cough, difficulty and shallow breathing, fever, nasal congestion. The allergy has symptoms similar to corona, says Dr. Lekić.

It points out that children who go to health centers “pose a danger to other children and that is why there is a triage that prevents the spread of the virus.”

– A patient can enter our hospital with a companion, the others are waiting in front. Distance and masks are mandatory – says Dr. Lekić.

The fact that respiratory infections have already started is also confirmed by the mother of a lower grade student, where five and then six children did not come even for a day in a group of 14 of them.

– As parents told us through the Viber group, children have had colds or allergies that occur every year. However, that worried some parents, who feared that the crown was in question – says this mother.

61 new confirmed cases in Serbia

A day without the dead

In the last 24 hours, as of 3:00 p.m. yesterday, 61 new cases of kovida 19 were confirmed in Serbia, bringing the total number of patients to 32,999 people since the start of the epidemic.

No patients died in the same period, which means that the number of deaths from kovid 19 in Serbia is still 743, it was published on the website.

6,814 people were analyzed, a total of one million and 84,893 people who met the criteria to define the case. There are 23 people on the respirator.

Photo / Source: Shutterstock / K. Vasković

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