RESCUE ACTION NEAR PINE 18 people were found in the mountain, here is their condition


Members of the Bor Station Mountain Rescue Service found 18 recreationists from Novi Sad who got lost on Veliki Krš mountain. As we learn, everyone is fine and no one was injured.

A group of 18 people came to the mountain, but they got lost, and since the forest is very dense, the members of the GSS immediately went to look for them.

As we found out, this is a younger group of people who got lost, probably due to a poor estimate of the time it took to get off, and when they were caught in the dark, they didn’t know how to get back. They could see the path at the foot from a distance, but they didn’t know which way to go down. They cooperated all the time with the rescuers who found them and brought them back safely.

Last night, members of the GSS took four Belgraders out of Bor station, who got lost near Veliki Štrpce in the Đerdap gorge. They were also lost due to a poor assessment of the moment they were caught in the dark.
