Representatives of the opposition with the leadership of RTS


Milos Jovanovic recalls that the opposition is not in parliament and that it is something that has not happened since the beginning of the multi-party system in Serbia, but emphasizes that it cannot be an obstacle to hear a different attitude about RTS, a critical attitude towards what it is doing. government.

“The RTS management is extremely aware of these details of the situation. What makes us even happier and what I think is important is to normalize this situation in the country and in the media scene and just to lower tensions a little, is that the people who run this house expressed willingness to work on it, so opening the media space to different opinions, to different options, ”says Jovanović.

The president of the New Party points out that the idea of ​​the meeting was to bridge the gap that was made.

“That RTS is the initiator of that dialogue in some way, that it is a house in which that discourse will be bridged on both sides, that it has gone in some undesirable direction,” explains Movsesian.

Konstantin Samofalov points out that dialogue is the only way to find a solution for the “insufficient or almost zero representation of opposition representatives in the public service”.

“The leadership has shown us that there is the will to find a space to guarantee political pluralism and diversity of opinions on RTS,” says Samofalov.

There are, they say, no media more invited than RTS, to present this pluralism and diversity of political and even intellectual ideas to the public.
