REPORTED A BORN WOMAN TO COMMUNAL POLICE: The craziest report due to the crown in Serbia


As for organizing parties, Divac says that the stories of the city are one thing and the other is what is happening, and that the militiamen do not find them as much as they say.

The first man of the Communal Militia also referred to the news that in Croatia the police will be allowed to break into private apartments if they receive a report that parties are organized there and it is revealed if such a case will also be in our country:

– When it comes to entering apartments and houses, we are in a very sensitive area. The fact is that the communal militia and the police usually act on the report when there are parties, and we will continue to apply those decisions, the difference is that now if we find a greater number of people after the report, we will take measures under the Protection of the Law. Population. we have the opportunity to interrupt that party – says Divac for TV Prva and points out that the members of the Communal Militia will adapt even more to each specific situation.

Divac also says that citizens often receive reports of someone not complying with regulations, most of which are reports of house rules, and there are also reports of meetings in shopping malls and not wearing masks.

– People report all kinds of situations. Recently, a man reported his wife, complaining that she took a child who was absent from school and who was in isolation to the mall, Divac said.

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