Reply to respond, Dacic INTERRUPTED the head of the SPS deputies


The Serbian National Assembly continues its work today. In the continuation of the first session of the second regular period of sessions, the deputies have before them a debate on the reforms to the Draft Law of Ministries.

The new Serbian Government should be formed on Wednesday 28 October, Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabić will present her cabinet and presentations to MPs, after which the new ministers will officially take office.

10 amendments to the bill were presented. The Committee on Justice, State Administration and Local Self-Government examined the amendments tabled and the proponents of the parliamentary club “Aleksandar Vučić – for our children” accepted one submitted by SNS deputy Jelena Žarić Kovačević.

The committee also tabled one of its amendments.

The president of the National Assembly, Ivica Dačić, announced that today all the parliamentary committees would be formed and that, if necessary, the deputies would continue their work after 6 pm

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In the continuation of the session, the discussion was reduced to responses from parliamentarians from the Socialist Party of Serbia and representatives from SDA Sandzak.

The head of the SPS parliamentary group, Djordje Milicevic, in his speech on the amendment presented by Denis Imamovic, also referred on several occasions to the president of the SDA Sandzak, Sulejman Ugljanin, which is the reason for several responses from the two deputies.

At one point, the new president of the National Assembly, Ivica Dačić, interrupted a series of responses, not allowing the head of the parliamentary group of the party whose president he is, not even to exceed the time provided in the reply regulation.

– George, do not abuse the situation that I am the president of your party – said Dacic and gave the floor to the next speaker.

Djukanovic on the attacks on the comic Gordana

Deputy Vladimir Đukanović referred to the attacks to which Gordana Čomić was exposed, after it was announced that she would be a minister in the new government.

– When Gordana Čomić was in the National Assembly, then she excluded us, took our word away, then represented the “sun of democracy”. She did not change her attitudes, but now that she saw that her colleagues had completely lost politics, now she is a traitor, a bitch … It is something unheard of and terrifying and is an example of how these people want to lead a social dialogue – he said Djukanovic

Support for the law was announced by majority deputies, and as stated in the general debate, United Valley-SDA Sadnzak MPs and independent MP Vladan Glisic will not vote for that law.

VIDEO: Palme’s hilarious speech at the Assembly: Dacic is modest, eats gyros, we barely made him buy three suits when he became minister
