Repeated elections in Sabac H1 Serbia


It is still unknown who exactly won the majority in Sabac’s local elections. The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) declared victory despite “the worst conditions in history”, and the still current mayor demands the cancellation of the elections in the 27 places where they voted again.

According to the SNS, the election results in 26 of the 27 polling stations, that party won about 51 percent of the votes, or about 37 seats.

When H1 television asked him what the plans were behind the results, sent to the board of directors of that party in Sabac, the answer did not come, but after the processed data, the president of the Executive Board of the SNS, Darko Glisic, declared the victory.

“We defeated Dusan Petrovic, Nebojsa Zelenovic, Tanja Fajon, all those who tried to seize the will of the citizens by force. The electoral conditions were the worst in history, the members of the polling stations in front of the SNS were harassed and Harassed all day, they couldn’t get close to the material election and normally wouldn’t be able to participate in the election process, “Glisic said.

The current mayor Nebojsa Zelenovic assures that the repeated elections in Sabac passed with a series of irregularities. He also announced that he would ask for the nullity of the elections in the 27 places where the voting was carried out on Saturday in the repeated local elections.

“Our results are better than last time, and if we consider that the representatives of the Serbian Radical Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia voted for the SNS in an organized way, although they have their own lists, they will understand that this is not a success for the progressives. ” then now our legal team has written complaints for all 27 polling stations, “Zelenovic said.

The situation in Sabac is serious, due to the tensions that arose after repeated local elections, in which it is still unknown who the winner is, emphasized journalist Vukasin Obradovic for H1.

“The conclusion would be that the political crisis in this city continues and that even these elections will not give a definitive answer about who is the new government of the city.
I think that is the most dangerous, the tension that is evident and the situation in which these political confrontations can spill over into something much more serious. “It is quite worrying that both parties are complaining about the electoral conditions, the public is confused and I am not sure how this whole saga will end with the elections in Sabac,” Obradovic believes.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić of Brussels said that freedom and democracy had won in Šabac.
