REPEATED ELECTIONS IN SABAC: GIK rejected objections for 19 polling stations


For now, by decision of that body, the repetition of the vote can only be expected in the town of Sevarice, which represents a complete setback in the Sabac electoral marathon.

Complaints to polling stations Mala Vranjska, Jelenca, Cerovac, Zabar, Tabanovic, two places in MZ Kamicak, Donji Shore, Sinosevic, Petkovica, Bela Reka, Orid, Lipolist, Mishar, Maovi, Shipurske livade, Preki Shore, Majur, Donji Shore, are not received the majority of votes from GIK.

After repeated elections in 27 out of 100 polling stations, held on Saturday, the SNS won the majority in Sabac with 36 out of 69 councilors. ZZS has 21 seats, Western Serbia 7, “Broom” 2 seats, “Opportunity”, the Russian Party and the European Green Party one seat each in the City Assembly.


Tonight, the Municipal Electoral Commission of Sabac issued a press release in which it says that: “in the session held on September 8, the factual allegations of the complaints presented were considered and the Commission, based on knowledge of the minutes of the electoral colleges, determined that the allegations of the 19 complaints presented indisputable and truthful “.

According to the statement, although the provisions of the electoral laws were violated in all 19 polling stations, the objections were not adopted because the required majority did not vote for the decision. In each specific case, 10 GIK members voted FOR and 10 against.

Previously, the GIK had already made a decision on the re-voting at polling station number 36 in Ševarice, and the objection against this decision was rejected at the session. In other words, the vote in Ševarice will not be repeated with that proposal.

As “Novosti” finds out, four members representing the West Serbian movement in the GIK, led by the current Speaker of the Municipal Assembly Nemanja Pajić, did not vote for the objections raised by Together for Serbia Nebojsa Zelenovic, so the result was from 10 to 10.

As we learned, the objection to take a new annulment decision in Ševarice was presented by the “Broom” movement, which passed the census in repeated elections and won two councilors. They are probably afraid of losing the 16 votes they received in that polling station, and every vote is important in crossing the threshold of the local parliament.

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