Podgorica – The lawyer and member of the legal team of the Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral, Dragan, told “Vijesti” that it is not true that the ownership of the MCP and the diocese will be left to Serbia.
Source: Tanjug

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The fact that former Prime Minister Duko Markovi and his predecessors failed to present a tube demanding that what was registered as property of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro-Montenegro (MCP) and the diocese of SOC be returned to Montenegro shows that they are aware that it will never it was state property and there is no evidence that it was, he says.
“It has been repeated and proven hundreds of times that neither in Serbia nor in Montenegro it is owned by the Serbian Orthodox Church, but in Montenegro it is owned by the MCP, the diocese of Budimljan-Nike, the diocese of Mileevska in the part where it sees its jurisdiction . and the diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina in a small part … “, Fr.
The Government of Montenegro has determined the Proposal for Amendments to the Law on Religious Freedom, which abolishes the articles of this regulation that were approved by the previous government and which refer to property and the obligation to register.
Although the former Duka Markovia (DPS) government is just before the elections, and during the second round of expert negotiations with the ICR proposed a compromise on most of these provisions, the former prime minister wrote on Twitter two days ago that the reconciliation “is not based on the stolen state and kidnapped churches.”
Reacting to the statement of the former prime minister, he says that if Markovi, who also has a law degree, believes that something has been stolen from the country, he had the opportunity as prime minister to present a tube to the court and demonstrate with a tube that it is written . as property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as they say, and I would say that the MCP and the dioceses of Budva – Nikika or the diocese of Mileva, return to the state, “said Fr.
He pointed out that the fact that he did not do so during that term, nor any of his predecessors in that position, shows that they are aware that it was never owned by the State and that there is no evidence that it was.
He said that he interpreted the latest reactions from representatives of the previous government as a political story, but as a serious argument in support of the claim that it was state-owned, for which he was kidnapped.
“Because if he was kidnapped, let him explain how he was kidnapped, and that 70 and a fraction of a year after WWII onwards, none of the ideological haters of the church and the legal and ideological predecessors of the Markovia party did anything to dispute that, “said Fr.
It says that, on the contrary, the communist government has repeatedly shown that it considers it the property of the church. Regarding the accusations that are heard in public that the property of the MCP and the SOC diocese will be handed over to Serbia, he says that this is not true and that, as he said, these are lies about the human and intellectual character of those who say that.
“Those who say this can only be ashamed of their insolence and intellectual ignorance, because they say something ordinary and obvious, without at any time trying to provide at least one document that confirms their assertion.” said Fr.