RELATIVE FACTS: This is the crown cross section for SERBIA’S MOST CRITICAL CITIES! In one of them, Kon’s coefficient is “WILD”.


It seems that relaxed behavior, especially of young people, has once again put the entire population in danger.

For the second day in a row, Kragujevac designates the Kirz headquarters for the fight against the crown as a city to whose latest data on the number of infected should be paid special attention. Yesterday, almost one in five people who were tested for kovid was infected, that is, 18.8 percent or 17 of the 90 people who were tested in this city. Today, the situation is even worse, with 23 new cases.

It seems that relaxed behavior, especially of young people, has once again put the entire population in danger.

Dr. Predrag Delic, an epidemiologist and deputy director of the Kragujevac Institute of Public Health, says that “in recent days there has been an increase in the number of infected people.”

Photo: Tanjug / Tanja Valić

Dr. Delic: The data in Kragujevac warns

– It is too early to say that there is a potential hotspot here now, but the data warns – says Dr. Delic and points out that the most important thing now is to monitor the contacts of those infected.

As he says, two days ago they had 16, today there are 23 positives.

– The percentage is 12 percent and before we had 40 percent. The situation is uncertain and not good, but it is too early to draw conclusions, believes the chief epidemiologist of this city.

As he says, everything around us contributed to that, because “Serbia is not an isolated country.”

– Romania registers 5,000 a day, Montenegro 300 … The problem for Kragujevac is that citizens are not consistent in the application of general measures. Masks, distance, hygiene, that’s the key! There are also celebrations and gatherings that should be avoided. A large number of people in a small space is a risk. People do not understand that this virus will not disappear soon, and that everything is on everyone’s conscience, warns Dr. Delic.

Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Karadarevic

Trstenik introduced an emergency situation

Yesterday, Trstenik was marked as a city where the situation is also very bad. As we wrote, the situation here is very worrying and does not calm down for days; there is a verification of 5 positives out of 9 tested. Kon’s coefficient was an incredible 55.5 percent yesterday!

Therefore, an emergency situation was introduced in Trstenik.

As he says Dr. Zaklina Ristic, Deputy Director of the Health Center, in the last week of September there was an increase in the number of positives, for which the mayor Milena Turk, on the recommendation of an epidemiologist, introduced an emergency situation in the municipality.

This implies a shorter operation of the catering facilities until 9:00 p.m. and a greater control of inspections.

The infection started in the church choir.

– At the beginning of October, we had about two daily positives, but now this week the number of exams is increasing and now we have 84 tested and 17 positives since the beginning of October. That’s about 20 percent, which is an important fact, he said.

According to Ristic, “the infection was transmitted by a woman who sings in the church choir and was infected from her son who lives in Belgrade.”

– And now five women from the church choir are positive, while the others are being evaluated – says Zaklina Ristic.

Merošina to introduce an emergency situation

Yesterday, the situation in Merošina was also worrying. He proposed to crisis staff to analyze the situation and introduce an emergency situation if necessary.

Valjevo jumped on the infamous list

Today the situation has changed a bit, so Valjevo has joined the list of cities whose situation is worrying, with also 23 new infected in one day.

By the way, the situation in Belgrade, judging by today’s crown section, is calming down, because a decreasing percentage of patients come from the capital.

The outbreak of the Belgrade epidemic in Serbia

But that’s why what epidemiologists warned is happening: the epidemic is now spreading from Belgrade to Serbia.

He warned two days ago that the number of infected people would be transmitted and spread to other parts of Serbia, not just Belgrade. Dr. Predrag Kon, epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Team for the fight against kovid 19.

“It won’t come all at once, but it can be expected in the coming weeks,” said Kon.

Photo: Tanjug / Government of the Republic of Serbia / Slobodan Miljević

Just as the third wave was anticipated, it was expected to arrive at the end of this and the beginning of next month, and we are already largely in it, so it seems that this forecast on the overflow has already come true, so New hot spots are slowly emerging.

As for yesterday’s review of the situation in the cities, it looked like this: after Belgrade (57) and Kragujevac (17), according to the number of newly infected, Vranje and Krusevac followed with 6, then Nis and Trstenik with 5, while Kraljevo has 4. Novi Sad, Novi Pazar, Merošina, Zrenjanin, Šabac and Priboj have 3 new cases of infection, and the other 2, 1 or 0 are local hotspots throughout Serbia.

Today, that order looks like this: Belgrade 84, Kragujevac 23, Valjevo 23, Nis 9, Vranje 7, Novi Sad and Krusevac 6 each, Vrnjacka Banja 5, Bor, Cuprija, Aleksandrovac, and Prijepolje 4 each.
