Reforms are necessary in Srbijagas and EPS, they are the pillars of economic development in Serbia!


“Separating activities, having transparent business, clear public procurement and projects that are not late. And that is not a question of one person, but of the whole system,” Mihajlović told RTV.

He noted that there are many problems in Srbijagas and Elektroprovreda Srbije and that investment plans need to be redefined.

“It is important to reduce losses to achieve quality, to have efficient, modern and powerful companies in the energy sector. And that is the vision of the President and the government of Serbia,” Mihajlović said.

He noted that these are not private companies, that the directors were appointed by the State and must work in accordance with the decisions of the Government. “But when you need to make big changes, you always have great resistance. It is easier to hide behind personal and partisan conflicts, various conspiracy theories. In fact, the most important thing is what they have done so far and if they can implement reforms.” said.

Mihajlovic added that the reform plan for these companies will be made public and that it is necessary to separate Transportgas and Distribucijagas, because we are losing millions of euros only in the transport network.

“In December, we will probably have fines from the Energy Community. That means that in 2021, we will not be able to influence any decision in the EC, because Srbijagas did not separate its activities,” Mihajlivić said.

He added that he has nothing against someone being a director for 10, 15 years if she brings results.

“Here we have groups of people who have arrangements in various companies of 5, 10 thousand euros, they employ husbands, women … I repeat, these are not private companies. Srbijagas had to carry out the gasification of Serbia, gas interconnections, they are here to bring results For the citizens of Serbia, the institutionalization of the people must stop !, concluded Mihajlović, announced the corresponding ministry.

Photo by Zorana Jevtić

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Author: delivery courier
