Rector: The closure of the faculty by the crown is not being considered, we are monitoring the situation


By November 15, the coronavirus had been confirmed in 201 students at the University of Belgrade, according to the Student Polyclinic. There are currently 6,750 students living in student residences in Belgrade, of which 55 are infected with kovid 19, said the rector of the University of Belgrade, Ivanka Popović.

Popovic said that for now the closure of the school is not being considered and that the epidemiological situation is being carefully monitored.

He said in the Senate session, referring to the director of the “Belgrade” Student Center, Goran Minić, that some infected students were hospitalized, while the others were receiving treatment at home and that none of those students were staying at home.

Popovic also noted that he spoke with the Minister of Education, Branko Ruzic, and that there was no discussion at the meeting about the closure of the faculty due to the current situation.

He also says that the number of infected students in Belgrade is not a large number, but also that they can be expected to be higher, because for some students it is not known where and how they are treated.

“I believe that regular communications with the Ministry of Education will remain open, which will allow us to overcome the problems,” Popović said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
