Rebić: The young man beaten in Novi Sad did not immediately want to speak to the police


Police Director Vladimir Rebić claimed that they learned of the case of the beating of the young man in Novi Sad by workers of the emergency medical services on the same day, who had a conversation with the victim, but that initially she did not want to cooperate. to clear up the crime.

Rebic claimed that the young man gave a statement to the police in the presence of a lawyer only on September 2, eight days after the beating, and that in the meantime the police obtained the images from the camera.

“When someone sees the recordings and thinks they are easy to get, they must first obtain the consent of the owner of that facility, because these are not police or city cameras, there are certain procedures,” Rebić said.

It adds that the Prosecutor’s Office initially classified the attack as causing serious bodily injury and that the other two young men, who arrested in Novi Sad on SundayOnly later was he declared a suspect of complicity in the crime.

Rebić rejected allegations that the police began working on the case only after the recordings surfaced on social media, claiming that “everyone will be held responsible if it is determined that they acted unscrupulously.”

“The allegations cannot influence us to solve the case, as we solved it, but we are wasting our time dealing with secondary jobs … but they are honored that they want to hinder us in their work in that way,” Rebić said.

Talking about a bomb that killed a person in New Belgrade and individual politicians’ assessment of what is Serbia is an unsafe country, Rebić stated that in recent years, there have been around 100 murders per year in Serbia, and that those figures were significantly higher before.

“In 2007, there were 173 murders … so the differences are obvious. When you calculate the number of murders per million inhabitants, Serbia is a safe country … at the level of France and Great Britain,” Rebic said, adding that the MUP is currently shedding light. about 95 percent of all crimes annually.
