Rebić on the beating: Police ruling, whoever sinned must answer


Police Director Vladimir Rebić said that in the case of the brutal beating of a young man in Novi Sad, about which a video was published, the police carried out all the necessary paperwork, but that “it could have been done faster” and that the omissions of some police officers were minor.

Rebic told Prva TV that he was dissatisfied with the way the police handled the case and that “whoever made a mistake must answer,” but that there was no “systemic obstruction” from a higher level.

“(Police Minister Nebojsa) Stefanovic ordered controls, colleagues identified some omissions. I am also not satisfied, all those who did not do the right thing can expect accountability, but there is no systemic obstruction by a high level of management. Police officers they did not perform at all stages in the best way, “said Rebic.

The police director stated that the suspect in that case, classified as an attempted murder, Ivan Kontić, is presumed to be in one of the surrounding countries, and that he hopes that he will soon be found and extradited to Serbia.

He also said that “the search (for Kontić) was announced relatively late, so someone will respond.”

Rebic said that the police learned of the brutal beating that the young man received in Novi Sad at the Vojvodina Clinical Center on August 24, and that communication with the Basic Public Ministry was made on the same day, of which there is evidence.

“The report to the competent prosecutor was absolutely timely,” Rebić said, adding that the prosecutor’s office first classified the crime as causing serious bodily injury.

“We took possession of the recording on September 4, again the policeman goes to the Base Prosecutor’s Office for consultations and shows the prosecutor, he maintains that the fact was causing serious bodily injury,” Rebić said.

Rebić also claimed that the injured or brutally beaten young man arrived at the prosecutor’s office on September 2.

“He mentions Kontić’s name, and on that occasion, the lawyer shows us the criminal report that qualifies this as an attempted murder,” Rebić said.

Rebić confirmed that the Novi Sad General Prosecutor’s Office reclassified the case on September 12, which was carried out as the crime of inflicting serious bodily injury in an assassination attempt, and then passed to the Superior Prosecutor’s Office.

The police director also confirmed that the suspect personally went to the prosecution on September 8 to sign a plea agreement for a previously committed crime and stated that “the acting prosecutor could not know” that he was suspected of causing serious bodily injury. at that moment.

Rebic said such a thing is possible because “there is no connected system” in the information between the prosecution and the police.
