Rebić: Changes in the Novi Sad Police Department are already paying off


During his visit to the Novi Sad Police Department and the Novi Sad Gendarmerie Detachment, Police Director Vladimir Rebić noted that personnel changes in the management of this police administration have already yielded certain results in their work that They contribute to greater security for citizens.

“I am satisfied with the significantly increased presence of the police on the streets of this city and other municipalities of the South Bačka district, which is covered by the Novi Sad Police Department, because it certainly contributes to a feeling of greater security for citizens. “. and the Interior Ministry announced.

He specified that 19 people suspected of selling drugs had been arrested in the previous three weeks.

“In the aforementioned period, out of 106 crimes committed, up to 73 percent have already been solved, of which two assassination attempts, one rape, several aggravated robberies and other crimes. That sends a clear message to the criminals that the crime doesn’t work, “Rebic said. .
