READY TO GO WITH MILA TO THE FOREST: The vice president of the URA Civic Movement announced in which case he would support Djukanovic


Adzic said that “despite some disagreements” with the president of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic is “a serious man who has some information and knows something.

-If there are those fears you are talking about, and I do not believe in them, but if there are, if they turn out to be true, I am the first, and all my colleagues from the URA Civic Movement, who would support him and his family and to all. the officials who plagued Montenegro for 30 years, and to defend it from the forest from all those who try to endanger it, Adzic said on TV A1, adding that although he is not a believer, he feels close to the “Montenegrin Orthodox Church.”

– With the arrival of Mr. Mihailo at the head, that church became the newspaper and branch of the DPS. Before, as a child, I spent time there, more as someone who lived nearby and went there with their company, than as a believer, but I am a fan and someone who believes that Montenegrins and the people they believe should have their own church and that everyone in Montenegro can believe in what they want – said Adzic.

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