READY FOR THE NEW, FOURTH SEASON OF COOPERATIVE: Milan Milošević revealed how he is preparing for tomorrow’s show in Šimanovci, and this is what he says about the future tenants of the White House! (PHOTO)


Expect new challenges and meet the participants who will live in the magnificent city in the coming months.

A popular reality show host Milan Milosevic “Cooperative” After a short break, he’s ready to return to the small screens and, as he noted in an interview with, he is looking forward to tomorrow’s spectacular season four premiere on Šimanovci. As you reveal at the beginning of our conversation, your vacation was very enjoyable and welcome to recharge your batteries for the upcoming season of the most watched reality show in our area.

– I had a fantastic vacation, I was at sea for a month. I was in Croatia, Montenegro … Everyone complains that there are no people, and I was so good, the beach was mine … For about ten days I was alone on the beach in Budva, believe it or not, it feels like I rented a beach. I followed everything, I was up to date, but I tried to rest as much as possible. Every day I bathed and sunbathed, at night I would have dinner, have beer and then sleep. I am rested, but I did not turn off at any time, I was constantly in contact with the leaders of Pink TV – said the charming host of and revealed what messages she received from fans during the summer holidays.

Photo: Lazarevic

– I got messages every day. They wrote to me to come back asap, to miss them … We all have our fans and critics. Each of the leaders of the “Cooperativa” has his own style, we are all different, but we work very well. It happened that sometimes viewers misinterpreted some of my movements. I bend over to adjust the shoe and then someone thinks I’ve given someone a signal. Everything is fine … – Milan points out to our portal, and when asked if his biggest challenge is working in a studio or running a program directly from a magnificent estate, he answers:

– I think now I have reached the stage where I can do everything. I can work both from the studio and from home, because I am not a classic presenter to come read. I make stories, I solve situations, as if I were a participant. I can do anything, even serious shows, and be a studio host. However, it suits me best when I am among them and when I have direct contact with them, when I look into their eyes. It’s easier in the studio, but it’s much more interesting for me at home with the participants. The spectators often do not hear outside how much the members of the cooperative sometimes shout, while I am inside I only reexamine if I am interesting for people, I become a spectator and I think if what we are talking about is interesting – said Milosevic, and commented on the future. tenants of the magnificent estate:

Photo: Lazarevic

– I have already seen approximately who enters the fourth season, there are many participants already known from previous seasons and I am sure they will be very interesting for the viewers. With them, I know how I will see, however, that the new entrants have done their best to intrigue the public. Honestly, I’m looking forward to that meeting between Kristijan and Stanija. We also have two new parents – Miki and Tom – said the presenter and revealed what he had prepared for the viewers on the spectacular opening night of the new season of “Zadruga”:

– I have prepared the styling for the grand opening of the fourth season. I will have a white sports suit, it fits me well, I am satisfied. I used to be very burdened with style, but now that I’ve changed styles, it’s a lot easier for me. I noticed that viewers like that more relaxed and simple style, says Milan, adding:

Photo: Bogdanović

– I never prepare in advance. I like everything to be spontaneous. So it will be on Sunday. I am spontaneous, I follow their moods and I can say that I am a good psychologist. I would not change anything in my work. I am very satisfied. I see that there are many people who love me, but they also criticize me, it is important that they are not indifferent.

Author: MK
