READY DOSES FOR 1000 PATIENTS After removal of chloroquine from coronary therapy, Serbia acquired a drug to treat DONALD TRAMP


The medical device used in Ebola, which is praised around the world, is included in our protocol for the fight against kovid 19 and should shorten the treatment of the most difficult patients from four to six days.

Kovid also has the drug “remdesivir” available to patients in Serbia, which is already used in hospitals throughout the United States, and in Europe it has been approved as the first treatment for coronavirus.

According to Kurir, this drug has been used in our country since August 16, when it was included in the list in the last, ninth revision of the protocol for the treatment of kovida 19, and when chloroquine was removed from the protocol at the same time. As we found out, Serbia has already purchased doses for about 1,000 patients.

Recognized in the US and EU

Remdesivir was originally developed as an Ebola drug, but an international study with more than 1,000 participants in late April showed that it is effective in treating coronary heart disease, especially severe cases. On average, it shortened treatment by four days, from 15 to 11 days, while severe covid 19 patients, who made up about 90 percent of subjects in the clinical study, were cured in 12 instead of 18 days without the medicine.

Photo: Luong Thai Linh / EPA;

The US Food and Drug Administration issued a special permit for emergency use of this intravenous drug in May, and in June the European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued a conditional marketing authorization. The effectiveness of this drug was also praised by Dr. Anthony Fauci, a prominent American virologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, with the media reporting that the United States bought nearly all of the world’s stocks of the drug over the next three months .

Weak points

Prof. Dr. Dragan Delic, an infectious disease specialist, told Kurir that “remdesivir” has not been shown to be particularly effective in treating Ebola, but its effectiveness has been proven in kovid 19 in terms of shortening the course of the disease. .

– This drug blocks RNA polymerase. It is an essential enzyme, necessary for the virus to reproduce. Every virus has some weak points in its reproduction, and those weak points must be recognized and selectively acted upon, because viruses are quite different. Studies on “remdesivir” show that it shortens the course of the disease, but it has not been shown to reduce mortality. This drug is not miraculous, after all, there are few of them in the world, but it certainly helps, says Delic.

He adds that at the moment there is no cure for the corona virus and there is not enough time to develop a new one.


– We cannot solve the problem with a new antiviral drug that would affect the life cycle of the virus, because it takes years and years to detect and test such drugs. In such an unenviable situation, where the patient can die, it is logical to try to alleviate this problem, if not solve it, with some other existing drug – explains Delic, adding that there is no drug that does not have harmful effects, and that it depends on Doctors and professional bodies evaluate the possible benefits, that is, the harmfulness of the application for each patient.

The manufacturer of this drug is the American company “Giliad Science”, and as stated by Daniel Odej, CEO, the price of an infusion dose is 390 dollars, for the USA and all developed countries, and most of patients need six doses of “remdesivir.” , which amounts to $ 2,340 per patient.

Side effects

  • Elevated liver enzymes
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dijareja
  • Respiratory problems
  • Hypotension
  • Kidney problems

The European Medicines Agency is examining kidney problems

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started safety trials of “remdesivir” after some patients reported serious kidney problems. The Associated Press stated that it is unclear whether acute kidney failure is a consequence of drug use, but that this requires further investigation.

Photo: Lex Van Lieshout / EPA;

– Doctors have already been instructed to check patients for kidney problems before using the drug and not to use it in those who are already known to be kidney patients, the EMA stated.

And Trump took it: a three-drug cocktail

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, who has contracted covid, may be the only person in the world who received a cocktail of up to three drugs for the treatment, and one of them, interestingly, is remdesivir! He also received the corticosteroid dexamethasone, and before being hospitalized on Friday, he also received the experimental antibody therapy “Regeneron”, which allegedly reduces the level of the corona.

Video: Trump spoke after the news of the crown
