READ: Last interview of Metropolitan Amfilohije for Novosti


Read the latest interview given to Novosti by Metropolitan Amfilohije.

The Church gave its word on the Law of Religious Freedom. However, if Prime Minister Dusko Markovic invites us to speak to the effect that we are acting on that illegality with amendments and that it will change, that is fine. It is the same to have conversations directly with our patriarch or with us bishops of the Pec Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro. Of course, we have our responsibility, we are talking and we will talk, but on the condition that they question the anarchy they brought, this is how the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral Amfilohije evaluated the announced call of the Montenegrin Prime Minister to discuss the controversial law that provoked fierce clergy reactions. and the faithful of Montenegro.

* You have negotiated before, so as we can see, no solution has been reached …

– Yes, and not once. We have rejected anarchy, what we are doing now. This law arose from the vicious disease of brozomora and is defended by those who are imbued with this ideology. If we want to talk about the correct law and harmonization with the norms of European laws, that is fine. But, if they want to impose that anarchy on us in any way, none of our bishoprics in Montenegro or beyond will accept it. If anyone is in favor of the law, then it is the Church that was founded by Saint Sava and has lasted here for eight centuries.

* How do you rate the fact that Markovic emphasized that you are the only address to talk to?

– Talking to me means talking to the Serbian Orthodox Church. He cannot divide the patriarch and the metropolitan of Montenegro. These are the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Patriarchate of Peja, the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Litoral, which was the first in all its dioceses and remained the only one that preserved the continuity of the Patriarchate of Peja even during its abolition. This is our Metropolitanate. The metropolitans were the masters of Montenegro, and the Metropolitanate created Montenegro, which means Patriarchate of Peja, because in Cetinje there is still a well of the Patriarchate of Peja and the building in which King Nikola installed the first seminary in 1863. Even today, my theologians are in that building and it leads to the Patriarchate of Peja. This means that the Metropolitanate is inconceivable without the Peja Patriarchate and without the Serbian Orthodox Church.

* How did you experience the “contralidad” in Cetinje on Wednesday?

– The liturgy in Cetinje was planned from the Cetinje monastery to Ćipur, where services are held every Saturday. A group of citizens, when they presented themselves, reacted, and I am afraid it was with the help of the authorities. And then we decided that only one prayer service would be held and that we would not go to Ćipur, so that hate would not be created even when there is a fight, but peace and unity. Cetinje is very sensitive.


He often points out that anarchy has been present in Montenegro for a long time …

– Yes, I am contemporary with all that. I remember the last Saint Sava celebration in the school where I studied in Bare Radović when I recited the prophetic verses of Aleksa Šantić: “Everything continues, there to Golgotha, and when men take our lives, our graves will fight with you.” That was in 1945 and 1946, when all Montenegrins except a few Montenegrins wrote that they were Serbs. Our Prime Minister should know.

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