Reactions due to a more expensive PCR test: more money for the state, less benefit for citizens


One of the measures taken by the Government of Serbia in the fight against the coronavirus is to make kovid-19 tests 50 percent more expensive. Some doctors and economists agree that such a government measure does not benefit citizens who have been battling the strong wave of the crown in Serbia for two months.

Instead of 6,000 for the crown test, you will have to pay 9,000 dinars from January. Doctors consider that such a measure is not logical if the goal is to recognize the disease at an early stage and avoid serious cases.

“It is not logical that a country that pretends to be an economic tiger increases the cost of testing, it would be desirable and it should happen that the cost of testing is lower. What is currently being done with PCR testing will certainly lead to fewer newly diagnosed cases. time and thus the epidemic will spread even further ”, says the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists of Serbia, Rade Panić.

The increase in the price of the PCR test does not have a rational explanation, says Oliver Stojković, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine, who explains that the purchase price of the test has actually been reduced from 10 to 5 euros.

“Nothing has increased by 50 percent, the taxi has not become that expensive and you use it often, and what seems to me to be a bigger problem is how the RHIF charges the citizens who previously charged the money for the tests. In no country in the world Health funds are not for-profit organizations and, in that sense, this should not be an action that is done for profit, ”Stojković emphasized.

Until now you could check your status at your request, if you suspect that you are ill or have been in suspicious contact, now, as economists explain, there is no doubt that citizens will do it less frequently.

“Obviously, the state has estimated that 6,000 dinars is not enough, a 50 percent price increase shows that the state has problems with money. I think PCR testing is the worst way for the state to find an additional source. income for himself, rather than providing additional PSR tests.for all those who suspect they are ill and to increase the number of tests we will come to a situation where anyone who suspects that they are ill will have to set aside some money extra, which is really catastrophic in a situation where the number of patients is between 5 and 8 thousand “, says Milan Ćulibrk.

You cannot do the PCR test wherever you want, but only in state laboratories, and in July Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said that private laboratories would also enter the system, which has not happened so far.

“Between filling the state coffers and taking care of the health of the population, the first option prevailed, because even so, people with 6,000 dinars were thinking whether to take the test or not, because they have no money. With 9,000 it will be even more difficult “, estimates the journalist. Ivan Protić.

The crown test in Russia, for example, costs 22 euros, neighboring Hungary has set it at 55 euros, Cyprus charges 60 euros, and Serbia will need 75 euros from the new year.
