Rasa Popova Park in Palilula renovated, and the difference is incredible (PHOTO)



08.10.2020. 20:06

Big difference.

Palilula Park

Park in Palilula “Rasha Popov”, Photo: Alo.rs

The “Rasha Popova” park, a park named after the great Radivoje “Rasha” Popov, who was a famous Serbian writer, publicist, actor and television journalist, associate journalist of Mokrinski novini, has just been completed in Palilula.

Rasa Popov is especially remembered for being the star of the children’s television show “Fore i fazoni.”

Palilula Park

Park in the time of Dragan Djilas, Photo: Alo.rs

He was the author of dozens of books for children and adults.

Today, Palilula Park proudly bears his name, and was proudly confirmed by Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić, who shared the information and photo of the renovated park on his Facebook account.

It is a renovated park, much more beautiful today than it was at the time of Dragan Djilas’ impotence.

Palilula Park

Palilula Park “Rasha Popov”, Photo: Alo.rs.

The people of Belgrade got a great place where their children will play carefree, not afraid of being injured on the ruined sidewalk, concrete curbs, stabbed with a nail, left as a legacy of Dragan Djilas.
