Ranchic (WHO) on the epidemic: Serbia is not so bad, but the situation has changed


The representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Serbia, Miljan Ranchic, said that Serbia is currently “not so bad” in terms of the epidemiological situation caused by the coronavirus, according to the data available to the WHO.

“Serbia is not in such a bad position at the moment, if compared to neighboring countries. But we also know that in some past period, the situation (in Serbia) has changed,” Ranchic told RTS.

Speaking of WHO warnings that measures introduced in the fight against the virus worldwide should not be abolished too quickly, Ranchic said that the sudden easing of measures, without constant monitoring of the situation, could lead to a worsening of the epidemiological picture.

He stated that in Serbia, and in the world, after the “first peak (peak)” of the pandemic, measures were abruptly lifted with the expectation that the coronavirus would be weaker during the summer by analogy with other similar viruses.

“It is a lesson from that period, at the end of May and the beginning of June, which says that if the measures are relaxed, one must proceed with caution,” he said.

Speaking about the beginning of the new school year, Ranchic recalled that the WHO presented specific recommendations on what should be done so that classes run as safely as possible, that is, allow physical distance in schools, wash and disinfect hands and wear masks.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
