Rambo Amadeus: The attack on Seko Sablić is an own policy goal


“Labeling Seka Sablic for her opinions is nothing more than a political goal in itself,” said musician Rambo Amadeus, commenting for Nova.rs on the recent attacks by SNS MPs on actress Seka Sablic, but also on the comments made about the actress in RTS by Serbian President Aleksandar. Vucic.

“Given the boycott of the opposition in the last multi-party elections, the parliament has a slightly different composition than it would have if it had all its legitimacy. Therefore, everything that people say there should not be taken seriously. Seka Sablić is one of the pillars of Serbian cultural identity and as such has the absolute right to publicly analyze local social circumstances. “Labeling Seka Sablic for his views is nothing more than his own political goal, given out of sheer rudeness, ignorance and awkwardness, every serious political protagonist will distance himself from such appearances,” said Rambo Amadeus. Nova.rs.

On Thursday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, as a guest on RTS, said that he did not agree with what SNS deputy Marko Atlagić said about Seka, but that “his purely political interview came out.”

“I do not agree with the way the MP Marko Atlagić addressed the actress Seki Sablić… But, his purely political interview came out. I would not agree with a single sentence. But it was not necessary for Marko to characterize and give his assessment of what Seka Sablić is like. That is politically incorrect, “Vuci said.

In an interview that she previously granted for the weekly NIN, the actress said that art is on the fringes of society, that with such an orientation young people are left to cheapness, upset values ​​or are condemned to emigrate from the country, or flee, and that is in those regimes. naturally.

Seka Sablić also referred to the general situation in the country, saying that the aggression of lies lasts a long time, as well as that this is a country “to die of laughter”.
