Rambo Amadeus: Labeling Seko Sablić is a goal in own politics – Culture


Labeling Seka Sablić for her views is nothing more than a political goal in itself, given out of sheer rudeness, ignorance, and clumsiness, and every serious political protagonist will distance himself from such appearances, said musician Rambo Amadeus, commenting for Nova. .rs about the recent attacks by SNS MPs on the actress. Seku Sablić

Rambo Amadeus: Labeling Seko Sablić is an own political goal 1Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrđa

“Given the boycott of the opposition in the last multi-party elections, the parliament is in a slightly different composition than it would be if it had all its legitimacy. Therefore, we should not take everything that people say there seriously, ”said Rambo Amadeus.

Seka Sablić is one of the pillars of Serbia’s cultural identity and as such has the absolute right to publicly analyze local social circumstances, he added.

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