Ramadanovski lived with the manager for 20 years, who found him dead in the apartment!


Family, friends, fans, but also people from all over the country and the world, continue to say goodbye to the king of folk music, Jay Ramadanovski, who passed away last week in his sleep at the age of 56.

However, the deceased, who was posted on Instagram by his youngest daughter Marija, and who is also at the pizzeria where he liked to sit with friends, intrigued many. That is, among the mourners, in addition to their children, grandchildren and ex-wife Nada, there is also the name of Andrijana. Those who did not know the singer wondered what woman was hiding behind that name, and Kurir revealed that it was his manager and partner, with whom he had lived for 20 years.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

They did not part

Andrijana Tomanić never separated from Jay, she followed him on business, but also during private meetings, and found him dead in the apartment when he returned from the store. Let us remind you that her maid Dara was with her at the time.

We found out that this blonde was Jay’s support and help, she subordinated her life to him, and her godfather and closest partner, Zoran Jagodić Rule, testified how much she devoted herself to him.

– Everyone knows Andriana. That woman is a miracle. She was his right and left hand. I’ve known him for 25 years and they have lived together for the last 20. She is, as he liked to say, his white wife. I wanted to write a book called “The White Woman”. Everybody knew: when they can’t get Jay, they call Andriana or Roulette. She is great, she is someone who loves Jay very much. They never spoke of their relationship, but it became known. However, no one asked them about it, says Rule for Kurir.

By the way, as we learned from people close to Jay, Andriana played a key role in his life, especially when he got sick. They met more than two decades ago through mutual friends. She organized her performances, but also guest appearances on shows. In October, they were on their last vacation, in Bečići, where they spent two weeks. They went to the sea on the advice of a doctor, so Jay could enjoy the clean air and the Mediterranean climate.

Their relationship was never a topic in the media and she protected his interests without any personal gain. He had a good relationship with his family from day one.

She bought him cigarettes

The messenger was in Dorcol yesterday, where we made sure Jay’s fans were still lighting candles in front of the building where he lived. We met her neighbor SA, who told us that she saw that the singer’s daughter, accompanied by a woman with blonde hair and another man, left the apartment on Tuesday morning and that they have not seen them at the end since:

– We met that blonde woman and her youngest daughter more often than Jay. She is very friendly, she was always nice and cultural. That blonde woman was intimate with Maria. He hasn’t come out often since the crown began. A friend and daughter brought him what he needed. His friend, the most complete on television, was there a few times.

And the traffic worker says he saw Jay and Andriana:

– I was constantly buying red “marlboro”. And Andrian yours too. I’ve known them for years. I didn’t see them holding hands or kissing, but I think they were in a relationship, they just hid it.

Daughter of Sinan Đulkica


The daughter of Jay’s best friend Sinan Sakić was one of the last to hear from the singer on November 25. – Jay is like my father, they are woven from the heart. After my dad, he was the most emotional singer. He is the only man I can compare to dad. It was very big, and so on earth. He knew very well where he came from and how he got there, he took care of his children. He taught my kids the funniest songs, which I didn’t understand either. I’m happy for my dad, his brother came. I can imagine the joy I felt when my father saw him in a heavenly tavern. There is no crown in that tavern and it is sung. They have no one to yell at over their heads, everything is unlimited. The legends will live in us and now they are shining in the sky. Jay is one of the reasons I left the country. I had a bad relationship with everyone in the family and he sat with me one night and talked. Some people underestimated him, but didn’t know that he knew exactly what everyone thought of him, says Kurir’s Sakić.

photo: Damir Dervišagić, Instagram

Ex wife


In the eighties, Jay married Nada, with whom he had two daughters, Ana and María. She was his greatest love and he maintained a great relationship with her even after the divorce. Their marriage did not survive because Nada did not want to suffer their way of life. Jay often pointed out how much he loved his ex-wife, who was shocked by the news of his death.

photo: print screen

Secretly in love


According to Dorcol, Jay Ramadanovski was allegedly in love with Dubravka from the video for the song “Where am I going now, my rose?” The beautiful black woman, whose name was Duda, seduced many in Dorcol, and Jay was not immune either. Unfortunately, he passed away at the age of 44, which greatly affected the singer. – Here and now I want to cry. The beautiful Duda is gone. She was a very good, honest woman and it’s a really great shame. If only God had given him a little more to live on. And now I shudder when I talk about her. I’m sorry we haven’t seen each other, I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately. As if it were some sign. May God forgive his soul, what more can I say now that it no longer exists – Jay said.

photo: print screen
photo: Courier

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More TV series commercials and the most accurate program.

photo: Courier

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Ljiljana Stanišić / photo: Damir Dervišagić

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