Rakic ​​wrote to Grenel: Vucic and the Serbian Government do not deserve the Nobel Prize for nothing


The director of the Center for Bioethical Studies and the head of the European Directorate of UNESCO’s Department of Bioethics, Vojin Rakic, sent an open letter to the special envoy of the President of the United States for Kosovo, Richard Grenel, warning that without the democratization of Serbia, the orientation of foreign policy towards democratic countries can not survive.

Rakic ​​addressed Grenel as one of the creators of the Washington Accord, signed on September 4 of this year at the White House, regarding the idea that he “retweeted”, and refers to Nominations by the governments of the United States, Serbia and Kosovo for the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Let me first point out that this document of agreement and intent for Serbia is a good step, but not good enough (‘not good enough’), as the Americans liked to express themselves about the manipulative movements of Slobodan Milosevic and others to who were taught. “Let’s start with the positive. The turn towards the United States and the EU that President Vučić was forced to make is a major turn in Serbian foreign policy. That twist should be very welcome, “Rakić said.

He also recalled that the United States is a traditional ally of Serbia, still the most powerful country in the world and practically the only power that, apart from the EU, is relevant to the region in which Serbia is located.

“Israel is a natural ally of Serbia for various reasons and rapprochement with that country brings a lot of good to Serbia. Almost equally important and highly compatible with rapprochement with the United States (and Israel) is the significant intensification of Serbia’s movement toward EU”. in one part of the Arab world, they are incomparably less than the benefits of alliances with the United States, the European Union and Israel, ”said the director of the Center for Bioethical Studies.

The indicated turn in Serbian foreign policy, Rakić continued, must once again become a permanent commitment by Serbia, which must be achieved in time. And that, of course, does not exclude culture, church and cooperation in all other fields that characterize the closeness of Serbia and Russia, he added.

“Why is this not ‘good enough’ for the Nobel Peace Prize? Because correcting the wrong foreign policy course should go hand in hand with correcting the wrong domestic policy in Serbia. President Vučić is an autocrat, a dictator who does not respect the values ​​on which they were created and the United States and other Western democracies, “the letter to Guerrell read.

Therefore, Rakic ​​warned that without the democratization of Serbia, the orientation of foreign policy towards democratic countries cannot survive.

“If Serbia remains a country that is not characterized by a separation of powers, in which both the legislative and the judicial have practically become branches of the executive power again usurped by a single man, as long as there are no free and fair elections, As long as there are no basic human rights and media freedoms, “Serbia can return to the foreign policy course of its authoritarian mentors in Russia and China at any time,” Rakic ​​said.

“What does this have to do with the Nobel Peace Prize? Fake elections, harassment of political opponents with lies and sometimes even their families in the Vučić tabloids, abuse of their children in those same tabloids, media coverage scandalous with national frequency, these are just some of the reasons why the Serbian government and the Serbian president are far from anything like democracy and deserving of the Nobel Prize for anything, “he said.

He added that the members of the SNS delegation in Washington are not people whose names should be associated with the Nobel Prize, “if we don’t want to make a joke with that prize.”

“Vucic is a dictator, a usurper of power, a violator of the constitution, a de facto editor of the most vulgar tabloids,” he said.
director of the Center for Bioethical Studies

Grenela also recalled that Vučić was, as he said, the Propaganda Minister of the Serbian Government at the time of Milošević, the former president of Serbia, who died in prison for the most serious crimes in the field of human rights violations.

“Vucic, let’s not forget, was not responsible for his role in these crimes, the role he had as responsible for shaping public opinion and instructing people to commit the crimes for which Milosevic was responsible. Furthermore, his entire career Vucic’s 30-year policy consisted of “committing various forms of violence and claiming them in his country, long-term open support for wars, as well as claiming mass murder of a genocidal nature. How could one think that such a man would receive the Nobel Peace Prize, except in jest “asked the head of the Directorate for Europe of the UNESCO Department of Bioethics.

In the letter to Grenel, he also stated that “a significant member of the SNS delegation in Washington is a proven thief of intellectual property, a plagiarist”, which was confirmed by the Senate of the University of Belgrade.

“When it comes not to the President of Serbia, but to the Government of Serbia, the situation is not very promising either. The ‘crisis staff’ for the fight against pandemonium, made up of a large number of politicians and various experts, are very committed. decisions, the strangest of which is the abrupt easing of pandemic measures to hold fraudulent elections on June 21, 2020. Data from independent investigators (BIRN) suggests a very serious suspicion that crisis personnel falsified deaths and infections in the weeks leading up to the elections, “and so drastically that, according to BIRN’s findings, the number of deaths has dropped by at least 300 percent. Crisis personnel have not even tried to explain these differences in the data, that is, ‘double check-ins,’ “Rakic ​​said.

He added that the president of the Crisis General Staff is also the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, who “led the aforementioned effort in complicity not only with Vučić, but also with his chief of staff and various ministers and government employees in the state. Major of Crisis “. Did such a government deserve the Nobel Peace Prize or anything else? Rakic ​​asked.

“President Vučić certainly entertained the Serbian public when he sat in front of Donald Trump’s desk with his lackey humility. But that sad appearance is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the turn of Serbian foreign policy towards the United States, the EU and Israel. “A radical change in the political system in Serbia is necessary to stabilize this turn. There is no longer a division of power in that political system, but it is governed by a mafia organization that follows its boss like a servant, “Rakic ​​said.

In the end, he claimed that a drink, especially the drink in the innuendo, does not produce spring. And spring is what cries out for the humiliated Serbia, said Rakic, who affirmed that “that season is incompatible with the dictator and the organized criminal group in power.”
