Radovanovic on a new strain of the virus. It will also reach Serbia, but it is the same enemy


The decision on the disruption of Serbian air traffic with Great Britain has yet to be taken. The medical side of the Crisis Staff advised that this be done, in order to delay the spread of the new strain of coronavirus as much as possible. It is already spreading in the southeast of England, mainly in London. Epidemiologists agree that this strain of the virus will certainly reach Serbia, and virologists explain that the new strain is spreading 70 percent faster than the old one, but that does not necessarily mean that it causes more serious disease.

Tonight’s Wizzair flight to Luton was canceled without a decision by the Serbian government to suspend air traffic with the country hit by the wave of a new strain of coronavirus. Member of the professional part of the crisis staff, Srdja Janković, says for H1 that the profession required the suspension of flights.

“The medical part of the Crisis Staff has already proposed it, and when it will be, depends on the decision of the Government, which, as announced by the Prime Minister, verifies what our international obligations are in this matter, and then the state authorities will react . of the seat of the crisis is to suspend flights, “says immunologist Srđa Janković.

Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović tells N1 that a new strain of the virus will inevitably arrive in Serbia, and that the measure to suspend flights should slow down that arrival. Through the metaphor of the army, Radovanović explains what happened to the virus in Great Britain.

“That new strain that seems a bit more potent will probably come to us. But it’s the same enemy. They are soldiers who are a bit better camouflaged and maybe have slightly better rifles. But the same virus is the same enemy. The same strategy “explains Radovanovic. .

Virologist Ana Banko explains that his colleagues in the UK were concerned that mutations in the virus had been observed in a very large part of the virus.

“I would not want it to sound too pompous, because not all mutations are crucial for biological changes. However, in this case, the mutations are exactly in the protein with which the virus binds to our cells,” says Banko.

Maja Stanojevic, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and a WHO consultant, says that now in Britain, but also in other countries, the question is whether the new variant is so different that it can infect those who have contracted the first version of the virus. .

“Aside from the somewhat faster expansion dynamics, there is no indication for now that there are any other differences,” says Stanojevic.

Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna immediately began testing the effectiveness of their vaccines against a new strain of the virus.

“We don’t know yet. We have to do the tests. Only then will we know for sure. We already tested our vaccine on 20 different variants of the virus and it has elicited an immune response. For this last variant, we will know when we do the tests,” said Pfizer . -Buntek Ugur Sahin vaccine.

And although the doctors reassure the public, the economy is already lost. This is a consequence of the news about a new strain of the virus. Paris has stopped transport to and from the UK by truck and all other means by which the driver accompanies the goods.

“I had a great conversation with the French president. I hope that in a few hours we will find a model on how to start transport,” says UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Queues formed in front of the supermarket, although the London Government continues to repeat that there is enough food and that there is no reason to panic.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
