Radovanović: Kon refutes Trampoline, and actually surpasses suspicions of about 2,000 dead


The manipulation of the deceased, comparable to Gogol’s trade in dead souls, was one of the reasons for the loss of trust in crisis personnel, said epidemiologist Prof. Dr. Zoran Radovanović.

In the text for Danas, which he also broadcast on his Facebook page, he noted that these days two shocking statements by Predrag Kon followed.

As he specified, “the first is the recognition that the decisions were made without knowing the epidemiological situation, because the members of the Crisis Staff, as amazing as it sounded, were given summary figures on the number of sick and dead before attending to the press conference “.

“His second statement is related to that: since he was deprived of information and did not want to appear in the puppet show, he decided to collect data on his own, at least for Belgrade,” Radovanović added.

Thus, according to Radovanovic’s explanation, he counted 210 deaths from kovid 19 in the city area from March to the end of May, and allowed “29 deaths from viral pneumonia, which did not exist in previous years, to add to that number.”

Although he believes that in this way he “denies those who are convinced that there were many more deaths”, Radovanović points out that it actually exceeds suspicions of some 2,000 deaths in the entire period.

Dr. Kon denies the Crisis Staff and Trampoline Institute, which claim that 244 people died from kovida 19 across Serbia before June 1, that is, roughly how many victims he counted in Belgrade alone. Thus, it is close to BIRN’s very conservative estimate of 388 hidden deaths, leading to 632 victims nationwide, Radovanovic is convinced.

As the portal reports Nova.rs, points out that it must be taken into account that the second wave of the epidemic in Serbia, from June to September, both in terms of illness and death, was twice as massive as the first, from March to May.

Consequently, in Belgrade, as Radovanović states, “kovid 19 has claimed more than 700 lives so far, and taking into account the proportion of the population of the capital and of the entire country, according to Kon, it turns out that Serbia lost more than 2,500 of its inhabitants due to the epidemic. ”

According to Radovanović, some conscientious doctors recorded all the documentation, including his own causes of death and, later, of “haircut”.

“That will help, sooner or later, at least some hospital directors and department heads to face the painful truth that they are perpetrators of criminal acts,” concluded Radovanovic.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
