Radovanović: Crisis personnel have been discredited, someone people trust must appear: the Society


Retired epidemiologist Zoran Radovanovic said today that new measures in the fight against coronavirus should be introduced in September or October, as proposed by the doctors association “United Against Covid”, and that Serbia is in a situation “catastrophic or on the verge of a catastrophe. “.

Radovanović: Crisis personnel have been discredited, someone people trust should appear 1Photo: New Optimism

He told Newsmax Adria that the lockdown and curfew were the last resort, that the situation could still be remedied with other measures, but that “crisis personnel do not seem to be fully aware of their role.”

“Due to (lack of measures) during the second wave, we are clear, we needed the citizens to sleep, go to the polls.” there are few phone lines, “Radovanovic said.

He also assessed that it is an “epidemiological crime” when healthy and sick citizens are mixed in a relatively small space, such as kovid-ambulances, and that this should have been taken into account.

“It is a great disappointment that the Medical Room is completely passive in this situation. The Chamber and the House Ethics Committee have had to react up to now … Someone who has authority must appear, whom people trust, considering that the Staff Crisis has been discredited, ”said Radovanović.

The epidemiologist adds that the document with fifteen measures that “United against Kovid” officially presented to the office of the Ministry of Health, and that it referred to all these objections, was “lost somewhere on the fifth floor of the ministry.”

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