Radovan fired two shots at his wife’s lover, then LOOKED AT HIM IN THE HEAD



28.09.2020. 22:18

On the fateful day, Radovan drove from Novi Sad to Gunjace, to Marinković’s home, to deal with him because of his wife.

police tape police crime scene murder

police tape police crime scene murder, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

I killed Milovan because he broke up my marriage. My wife left me because of them, they ruined my life!

Radovan S. (55) of Novi Sad, suspected of killing Milovan Marinkovic (52) in the town of Gunjaci near Osecina on Sunday, reportedly told police after the arrest.

On the fateful day, Radovan drove from Novi Sad to Gunjace, to Marinković’s home, to deal with him because of his wife.

– He brought a pistol, so he is supposed to have come with the intention of killing. After the crime, he got in the car and left, but was soon arrested – says the source.

Sadness and pain reigned yesterday at Marinkovic’s house. The murdered man’s mother was sitting in front of the house and crying, while her relatives comforted her, “Kurir” reports.

– A while ago, they brought Milovan’s body and opened the chest. His mother, wife and daughter have been crazy since then, they cannot speak – said the cousin.

Gunjac residents say the murdered man was a wealthy host and farmer, and that they learned of his love affair with a Novi Sad woman only after the crime.

– Now we hear that Milovan’s wife and daughter knew that Radovan. It seems that they knew each other well, and we do not know exactly what happened between them – says the local.

According to him, on Sunday morning, upon arriving in his village, Radovan S. asked in various places where Milovan’s house was.

– The neighbors showed him. If they knew why you were looking for a house, they wouldn’t even tell you where it is. People thought he was looking for Milovan for the raspberries and the refrigerator, since he was dealing with it – says the interlocutor and adds that the suspect found Milovan’s wife in front of the house.

– She told her to call her husband and stay away because they both have something to talk about and solve. He allegedly told her, “It’s not for your ears.” The woman left, and he pulled out a pistol and fired two shots in the stomach, and then stabbed him in the head – says the interlocutor.

He adds that Milovan’s wife and daughter ran from the apartment and, seeing him bloody, ran towards the neighbors.

– The girl screamed: “Call an ambulance, dad was shot!” – the locals retell the drama and add that they were afraid that Radovan would kill them all.

– We told the wife and daughter to take refuge in the house until the police arrived. We did not know where the murderer escaped: the neighbor’s story.

The locals are in awe

Neighbors say Radovan’s wife and Milovan allegedly met in Novi Sad, where Milovan went with his daughter, who is studying in that city. – Radovan’s wife left recently, she blamed Milovan for that. Jealousy consumed him, he couldn’t accept it. We hear that Radovan is a teacher and that his wife works in a bank – says the source.
