Radojicic is also touring the city with communal workers: tonight we will monitor compliance with the measures


The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, told H1 that mixed teams of communal police and competent inspectorates will be responsible for respecting the epidemiological measures today and during New Year’s Eve, while the police will intervene in cases where the measures are violated. epidemiological studies in private apartments. “I think 95% of Belgraders respect the measures, and I am fascinated by how disciplined people are and how much they adhere to the measures,” he said.

He also announced that during New Year’s Eve, as reported by Beoinfo, he will visit Belgrade together with the Communal Militia and the inspection and remind his fellow citizens to adhere to the measures and protect their health.

“This morning, I had a meeting with the secretary of the communal militia and the secretary of inspection affairs, and we talked about how everything will work. We have two aspects, the first is until 6 in the afternoon, considering that some gatherings and events have been announced in about twenty places, and the measures must be respected there. The second aspect is after 6 in the afternoon, to control, control and sanction the excess of the measures that have been prescribed, ”said Radojicic for H1.

He added as a guest on the N1 Studio Live show that the twenty teams that will control the measurements will be there until 6 pm, and the same number after that time.

“There will be communal militias in them, and inspectors from the city and the republic, and they will all be together in the countryside.” We will insist on keeping the measurements. “Since the pandemic began, we have had more than 21,500 checks, some 800 fines have been written and the facilities have been emptied 29 times,” says Radojicic.

He adds that the measures will be controlled in the daily festivals, and points out that in this way all citizens are being helped.

Answering the question about what will happen to the parties at home, he points out that they will also be controlled by the police, but he believes that the public is aware of the importance of this moment and that he hopes that they will not gather in large numbers.

Radojicic appealed to the public to maintain the measure, keep the change and wear masks, because, as he said, they are “invaluable protection at this time.”

“I believe that 80, 90 percent of the people will respect the measures and protect their health and that of their loved ones,” he says, emphasizing that if necessary, the communal militia will call the police who will react to greater and more drastic violations. to epidemiological measures.

Commenting that in the previous months, despite the restrictive measures, celebrations and events were held in Belgrade where violations of the measures were evidenced, he said that this is happening in all parts of the world and that most cities have this problem.
