Radmilovic (SSP): I was offered money in jail – Politics


Tonight, the Freedom and Justice Party sent a statement to Zoran Radmilovic, who spent 30 days in custody on suspicion of writing graffiti at the home of SAA official Dejan Bulatovic, who claims that during that time he was offered a large amount of money to falsely testify how he did it. order of Bulatović and Dragan Đilas.

Radmilovic (SSP): They offered me money in jail 1Photo: Logo

In a written statement, Radmilović states that he was held in solitary confinement for 15 days, without any contact with the outside world, and that he spent the rest of the time in a cell with three other people.

After the arrest, my rights were not read to me, nor was I allowed a phone call, which, as a person deprived of liberty, is guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, I am deprived of the right to contact an attorney of my personal choice, I have already been assigned a public defender attorney, Radmilović noted.

During my stay at the police station, but also throughout the detention, several people I do not know came and offered me a large amount of money to falsely declare that I wrote graffiti on the orders of Bulatović and Đilas, Radmilović said.

As I resolutely refused each time, while I was at the police station, a uniformed policeman handcuffed my hands to the radiator and slapped me, and how in no way did they manage to connect me with that disgusting part, even though they questioned up to 12. witnesses, I was released , he claimed.

“I consider my arrest to be a revenge of the current regime because, within the strongest opposition party in Serbia, I am fighting for the removal of this ridiculous government which, with its arrogance and lack of respect for the law, is dragging Serbia into ruin every day, “Radmilovic said.

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