Radmila Milosavljević (34), a suspect in the murder of her five-month-old son in April 2019 in the village of Petlovača, near Šabac, died the day before yesterday in the Central Prison in Belgrade. According to the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, the woman fell ill on Sunday around 9 p.m.
Passed out
– The detainee was immediately transferred to the Special Penitentiary Hospital for examination, and lost consciousness at the entrance of the ambulance. The prison doctor initiated the resuscitation and soon the ambulance doctors arrived and declared him dead. The body was sent for an autopsy, and according to the law, the Institute informed the prosecution and the police, it was said in the UICS.

Milosavljevic was detained for nine months for aggravated homicide.
– In April of last year, the death of a five-month-old child was reported. The mother said the boy died in a wheelchair. After being admitted to the hospital, the boy was said to have milk content mixed with blood in her mouth and nose, but she was not breathing, the source explains.
Death investigation
Toxicological tests and autopsy It is still unknown exactly what Radmila died of. – When she passed out, she fell and hit her head. An autopsy will show if the blow was fatal or if she was dead before the fall. Additionally, toxicology tests will be done to determine if you eventually overdosed on medications. By the way, the space in CZ is covered by cameras, so it will also make it easier and show what exactly happened, the source said.
According to her, after her son’s death, Radmila went to a psychiatrist for treatment.
– Eight months later, he admitted to the psychiatrist that he was guilty of the death of his son. He said that he intentionally killed the baby by covering his nose and mouth with his hands and that he kept it that way until the boy stopped breathing – says the source, adding that the doctor informed the police about the horrible confession. – At the end of December 2019, an investigation was launched and, sadly, it was determined that Radmila actually killed the child. That’s when she was arrested – says the source. Last year, after the boy’s death, Radmila and her husband welcomed the journalists to the house. Radmila described in black and crying how her son Kristijan died.
She noticed that she was not breathing
– I made him milk, he ate only 20 grams, and when he burped, I put him in the cart. I didn’t turn around for a minute, and he was already asleep. After that, I couldn’t wake him up anymore and noticed that he wasn’t breathing, his mother sobbed:
– I gave birth to him in the seventh month, he was a little heavy. She was in the hospital in Belgrade for two months. Doctors managed to save him and said he had arrhythmias, heart murmurs and a problem with the thyroid gland. Still, he progressed very well and was happy. The mother later said that she had lost the baby during delivery a year earlier.
Locals pretending to suffer Petlovača residents say they were shocked when police arrested Radmila a few months after the baby’s death. They say they remember how much she suffered for her son, cried and looked inconsolable. – When we found out that he lied, that he pretended to suffer, we were surprised. We think little Christian died because he was sick. He moved to town with his husband and children, they lived in a dilapidated house, locals say.
(Kurir.rs/ Jelena Ivic – Ana Mitic / Photo: Kurir)

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