Radic: Serbia moves away from Russia


Military analyst Aleksandar Radić told H1, commenting on the Serbian Government’s decision to stop all military exercises and all military activities with all partners in the next six months, that there was no other way out of the crisis in which our government was there.

“It was really unthinkable when the concept of foreign policy and relations with Russia collapsed, to continue in the same direction and maintain quality military cooperation,” Radic told Dnevnik TV N1, and recalled that there was a cooling of Russian-Serbian relations . A month ago, when they learned in Moscow that Serbia had bought the Chinese air defense system, and not the Russian one, while, after the signing of the Washington agreement, there was, as he himself said, an explosion of negative emotions.

“It is no coincidence that Defense Minister (Alexander) Vulin is the one to announce it to the public, in his classic tone of creating an image of how we are in danger, because he said four days ago with Russian Minister (Defense Sergei) Shoigu that the cooperation with Russia is better than ever, ”said Radić, noting that part of the public opinion in Serbia is strongly pro-Russian, and that it is difficult for him to say that relations with Moscow are not like before.

He also recalled that the EU has been reminding Serbia for years that it is impossible to be part of the Union without respecting the common foreign and security policy, and that in a situation where one of our units was supposed to go to Belarus, to a military exercise with Russians and Belarusians. , on the same border with the NATO countries, and in a scenario that is negative for NATO, the only way out was to find a way not to leave.

Therefore, Radic, although the government’s decision formally refers to activities with both the West and the East, is of the opinion that in reality it will be a consequence exclusively of military cooperation between Serbia and Russia, because another joint exercise with his army was planned.

“It is clear that after the Washington event, Serbia is at a distance to the east and that it will go even deeper,” Radic said.

Another proof that the collapse of Serbian foreign policy took place in Washington is, according to Radic, the Middle East problem and Vulin’s announcement that there could be a withdrawal of Serbian soldiers from peacekeeping missions abroad.

That is, the largest number of Serbian soldiers abroad are currently in Lebanon in, as he pointed out, Shiite-majority places, that is, Hezbollah strongholds. And, when you commit to labeling Hezbollah a terrorist organization and transferring the embassy and Israel to Jerusalem, then you really risk counterattacks, because the picture is, unfortunately, in black and white: either you are with us or against us, he warned. Radic.

However, he expressed the hope that the situation would return to normal soon, but stressed that the army would pay the price, because plans are already being made for 2021 and the Serbian Army members will lose much if cooperation with international partners does not continue soon. .
