RADAR DAILY DAILY Russia with 9,000 newborns, extraordinary in France, almost double the number of deaths in Italy


The number of people infected with the virus crown in the world has reached 3,457,000, while the death toll exceeds 243,000.

Around 1,100,000 people recovered. The good news is that the percentage of people with serious or serious illness has decreased and is now two percent. The contagion has spread to 212 countries and territories and two international cruises.

A virus on the world map

The United States still has the crowns most infected by the virus: 1,148,000. The number of infected people is followed by Spain with 245,567 and Italy, which exceeds 209,328.

This is followed by the United Kingdom, which has overtaken France and now has 182,260 infected.

The United States also has the highest death toll, 66,640. In second place is Italy with 28,710, and in third place is now Great Britain with 28,131 deaths.

Crown Statistics WorldPhoto: worldometers.info / screenshot
Crown Statistics World

You can find more information about the number of sick and deceased in the countries of the world at this link.

Virus in Serbia

In the past 24 hours, 157 newly infected coronavirus were recorded from 5,086 tests, while four died as a result of the disease. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 189 people have died in Serbia, while a total of 9,362 people have been infected.

So far, a total of 1,426 infected people have been cured and 57 are on respirators.

The number of newborns in Serbia is decreasingPhoto: Ministry of Health / screenshot
The number of newborns in Serbia is decreasing

The Crisis Staff press conference called for all procedures to be followed starting Monday, when a significant reduction in measures is underway: the operation of cafes and restaurants, urban transport in certain cities, such as Kragujevac and Novi Sad.

Belgrade’s public transport will normalize again next Friday, May 8. But only partially. Namely, just like now when so-called aisle lines, vehicle entry will only be allowed to employees and only to those who have personalized Busplus employee tickets.

A virus in the world

In the last 24 hours, 276 people have died in Spain and the total number of patients who have succumbed to the virus is now 25,100. After the Spanish government gradually began to loosen the measures introduced by the new virus crown epidemic, people from all over the country came out this morning to have fun and walk, for the first time in seven weeks.

After Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mushustin, Construction Minister Vladimir Yakushev and his deputy Dmitry Volkov also became infected with the virus.

Photo: Profimedia

Russia has broken a new daily record in the number of newborns. In the past 24 hours, more than 9,000 new cases have been reported.

However, the situation in Italy is of little concern. The number of deaths from the coronary virus is the highest since April 21, and with 474 new deaths, the total number of deaths increased to 28,710, the Civil Protection Service said. The death toll has increased dramatically since yesterday, when 269 deaths were reported.

20200422 epa angelo carconi roma Di018641412 previewPhoto by Angelo Carconi / EPA;
20200422 epa angelo carconi roma Di018641412 preview

The number of newborns has been stable for the third consecutive day, with 1,900 new cases reported today, bringing the total number of infected to 209,328.

Only one new case of the virus crown has been recorded in China, while there were 12 of them the day before, health officials said.

In Austria, there is a continuing trend of a further decrease in the number of people who are actively ill, with slower growth in newly infected people. According to data from the Ministry of Health, there are currently 1,782 active patients, 80 fewer than yesterday. A total of 13,180 people have been cured since the outbreak of the Corona virus epidemic in Austria.

Singapore authorities have announced the easing of some of the restriction measures introduced to curb the spread of the coronary virus, said Health Minister Gan Kim Jong.

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the Netherlands has increased by 445 and is now infected by 40,236, authorities said today.

In Belgium, 82 virus-related deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours, the first time since March that this number has dropped below 100.

The number of deaths from coronary virus in English hospitals has reached 20,853 as 370 more have died, authorities said today.

The French government plans to extend the state of emergency due to the coronary virus pandemic until July 24. French Health Minister Olivier Veran announced that he will propose an extension of the state of emergency to Parliament on Monday, May 4.

Japan will accelerate detection of the antiviral drug remdesivir to gain approval for use in treating patients with coronary virus infection as soon as possible, Health Minister Kato Katsunobu said.

The European Union is raising billions of euros with the idea of ​​making the coronavirus vaccine available to everyone one day, said European Commission President Ursula von der Layen, adding that a Marshall Plan is needed to The EU.

Incubation, symptoms and prevention.

Infection with a new virus crown has an incubation period of 1 to 14 days. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found new evidence that the virus can spread asymptomatically. Experts have estimated that an average of two to three people are infected for every person infected during the epidemic.

Coronary virus infections have a wide range of symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath. Milder cases cause symptoms such as colds, while more severe cases can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory disease, kidney failure, and death.

The best personal prevention is frequent hand washing and surface disinfection, the use of face masks and gloves on public transport and institutions.

Photo: RAS Serbia

Treatment of patients with the new virus crown is currently non-existent and symptoms disappear in most cases. Experts advise patients to drink plenty of fluids, rest and sleep, and if symptoms worsen, see a doctor.

Scientists around the world are competing to make the vaccine, however experts warn that it can take anywhere from 18 months to two years from test to production.

Important phones

Special number of the Ministry of Health on issues related to the coronavirus: 064 8945 235. Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut”: 011 2684 566.

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To enable citizens to communicate with competent epidemiological services more quickly and efficiently, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information on the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers in Serbia.

Notification activation paragraph test

