Rada Trajković: Vučić handed over a part of the Serbian power grid – Politika


It is clear to everyone that there is no going back. Vučić stole part of the Serbian power grid and handed it over to Kosovo, says Rada Trajković, president of the European Movement of Kosovo Serbs, who commented to Danas that the Kosovo operator KOSTT is taking over the electricity supply in the north of Kosovo.

Rada Trajković: Vučić handed over a part of the Serbian power grid 1Photo: FoNet / Aleksandar Levajković

He points out that Germany has invested more than 100 million euros in connecting the electricity grids of Kosovo and Albania, which, in his opinion, is a great strategic and investment project for that country.

Trajković claims that connection projects have been in the works for a long time and are now completed.

– I am sure that all the integration projects in the north resulted in the departure of some Serbs. That’s what really slashes the multiethnic already at risk, Trajković notes.

He explains that when it comes to the police, some people did not want to join the Kosovo police, so they participated in the rest of Serbia. Trajković says the same thing happened with customs.

She believes that the same will happen with some of the Elektrodistribucija workers who do not want to move to the Kosovo system, as well as with those for whom there will be no place because, according to her, there are too many workers beyond any systematization.

Trajković says that these people will get a compromise in the rest of Serbia.

– That will again result in the departure of some people. Some of the judges left, they did not want to take the oath in Pristina. Hashim Thaci was there then too. We do not know and we do not follow it seriously enough: all integration processes, unfortunately, go with the departure of the Serbs, says Trajković.

He adds that the state and President Vučić did not show at all what Serbia got, and did get anything at all, except for the attempt to personally remain in power for some time through Germany.

– The state as a state has not received any improvement, because it is still a huge strategic concession. Both strategically and financially. I am also concerned about the Serbs. Before, while it was in the system, the state should have regulated the payment of electricity to Serbia. But they left it because they have criminogenic factors, so, together with the Albanians, they used it for bitcoins, says Trajković.

She claims that a large number of bitcoin “digging” setups were established in northern Kosovo.

– We have committed ourselves because we never regulate the payment (of electricity) of Serbs to Serbia, we have inserted that criminogenic factor, which also commits the international (community) and then they will conquer you. After all, they filled their pockets, they care and people were left so disorderly without any response – concludes Trajković.

It should be recalled that, as reported by the Pristina media, the Kosovo electricity and transmission market (KOSTT) operator took over the electricity supply for the northern Kosovo municipalities on 14 December.

Berger: Good news for Kosovo

According to RTK, German Foreign Ministry Secretary of State Miguel Berger welcomed the fact that Kosovo’s network system operator, KOSTT, took full responsibility for the entire network in Kosovo and joined the high-voltage network between Kosovo and Albania. “Good news for Kosovo and good news for the stability of the European energy grid,” he wrote.

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