Pupils, students, and toddlers home next week!


The crown has not surrendered for days, in the last 24 hours we have up to 2,281 infected and 11 victims, so a session of the crisis headquarters is scheduled for today. Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović tells Kurir that the crisis headquarters will consider that students from all primary and secondary schools go on vacation for the entire next week to stop the spread of the virus. He points out that the possibility of the faculties going on vacation for a week, and even to daycare centers, will also be discussed.

Tiodorović claimed that the crisis headquarters were considering the possibility that all schools in the country would be on vacation from Monday, November 9 to Friday, November 13, and that students would return to their desks on Monday, November 16.

– I estimate that we will have the peak of the crown between November 10 and 15, and that is why it is important that we all respect the measurements. And we also want to lower and control the epidemiological curve by extending the fall pause. According to the school plan, the holiday was supposed to be for elementary school children from November 11, when the national holiday is Reconciliation Day, until November 13. The holiday would be for students from all over Serbia, including Vojvodina, which otherwise has a slightly different calendar than the rest of Serbia. Although there is no fall break on the calendar for high school students, only November 11 is free, and it should also be featured for them, Tiodorović noted, adding:

– It would be good if the faculties go on vacation next week, because high school and university students are the biggest carriers, there is not so much infection in elementary schools. It has been scientifically proven that children under the age of 10 are not crown bearers and rarely get sick. However, you also have to ask the academic community about the faculties, because the university is autonomous.

In the crisis headquarters session, Tiodorović said, kindergartens will also be discussed.

– There is a possibility that the kindergartens will not work next week. But there is the problem of who takes care of the children because many parents have to go to work. The same problem is with the extended stay for the youngest elementary school students. Under the law, a child under the age of 12 should not be left home alone, Tiodorović stressed.

The crisis headquarters will also discuss the work of the restoration facilities.

– The working hours of all catering facilities should be reduced to 9 pm. And the option is to keep working until 11 at night, but not pour alcohol after 9 at night and not have live music. I would completely ban live music, because even the best restaurants cannot provide a safe distance. I know that some Belgrade rafts run until six in the morning. There is no justification for curfew or emergency, rigorous implementation and control of existing measures are essential. And regardless of who owns the rafts and nightclubs. Now, a selective movement ban in certain cities would not make sense because the whole country is affected, Tiodorović said.

He added that the possibility of reducing the meeting ban from 30 to 10 or even five people should also be considered:

– If we do not respect the measures, we may have peaks at the end of November and in December, so we will have to send patients from Belgrade inland. Unfortunately, the number of deaths will increase. The sicker you are, the more deaths you will have. The attitude towards the measures is not a question of democracy, but of civilization.


We will not shorten the coffee job.

Goran Vesić, the deputy mayor of Belgrade, told Kurir that the working hours of other catering facilities will not change for now.

photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

– The approval of this law is pending, which will allow the communal militia and inspectors to collect fines. We have up to 3,000 cafes open at night and there will be no closings. Everything must work, you have to find a measure, you have to live – said Vesić.


Holidays should be extended

Predrag Kon also said that he is seriously considering extending the fall break for elementary school students. He emphasized that the system is designed so that schools do not have to be excluded, but that it makes sense to give a longer “recess”, when the fall recess is already scheduled:

photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

– There are still individual cases of infection in schools, there were three groups in secondary schools in Belgrade. Last week, there were infections in 61 high schools and 57 elementary schools. That’s two and a half times the number of people infected from the previous week, and it will continue to increase.


Limited time cards

The city headquarters for emergency situations in Novi Sad banned the work of swimming pools, spa centers and saunas from November 7 to 30, while clubs were recommended to limit the time of stay of guests by issuing numbered tickets and with time limit. The headquarters also banned all demonstrations until the end of the month, except cultural and artistic with a maximum of 100 visitors indoors and outdoors, maintaining a certain distance. Only regular sports competitions can be organized, without an audience, and all other sporting events are prohibited from November 7 to 30. It is mandatory to wear masks in the markets.

photo: Beta / Dragan Gojić

Mayor Miloš Vučević did not rule out the option of shortening the working hours of the catering facilities if the epidemiological situation in the city worsens or if the crisis headquarters makes such a decision at the state level.

– This is our last attempt and cry not to go to an emergency situation, to protect the health of citizens and the economy of the city. We have several difficult weeks ahead – said Vučević.


Two schools closed

By decision of the headquarters for emergency situations of the municipality of Dimitrovgrad, classes were suspended in two schools in that place due to cases of contagion by coronavirus among employees. Until November 20, as announced, the primary school “Hristo Botev” and the secondary school “St. Cyril and Methodius” will not work.


Classes on Monday and Tuesday online

The Ministry of Education told Kurir that its proposal is that classes be organized online for elementary students on Mondays and Tuesdays. – Our proposal is to be online for primary school students on Monday and Tuesday, but the final decision will be made by the crisis headquarters – they said in the ministry, in which they previously announced that the crisis headquarters would consider introducing a different organization from the teaching in primary and secondary schools. .


as many as 44 died

photo: Courier

In Bulgaria, 4,054 people were infected in 24 hours, the highest number since the beginning of the epidemic, and another 54 died. An even darker day was left behind in Hungary, where 84 people died and 3,928 were infected. 1,908 newly infected in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 44 died, of which 18 in the Republika Srpska. In Croatia, 2,848 people were infected with corona in 24 hours and 29 patients died, while in Slovenia, the wave slowed, 1,685 new infections were confirmed and 22 patients died.

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Kurir.rs/ JSSpasić – R. Kantar Photo: Zorana Jevtić

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