PUNISH THE PALM ANTIVACCINE! He attacks common sense directly from the Assembly, his dangerous messages could cost the lives of citizens


The leader of United Serbia and MP Dragan Markovic Palma would have to answer for the scandalous anti-vaccination statements in the Assembly, because with such attitudes he directly endangered those whom he must represent: the citizens.

At a time when the state is scrambling to get vaccinations against kovid 19, which according to all relevant scientific and health institutions is the only common sense way out of the pandemic, the anti-vaccines landed a representative where they least expected. : in the parliamentary rostrum.

With his, to put it mildly, dangerous tirades about the vaccines against kovid 19, about the crown, about anti-epidemiological measures, about the Crisis Staff … Markovic relativized every scientific opinion on the pandemic and the fight against the greatest plague of the humanity in the 21st century.

In simple language, he tried to “get under the skin” of ordinary citizens and win political points at a very low price. In fact, those points could be extremely expensive and cost Serbia thousands of lives.

How else to interpret Markovic’s request to the Government to “leave the citizens alone” before St. Nicholas, Catholic Christmas and the New Year, “not to talk about the crown and vaccines for 20 days”, “no to struggle” …

So, at the moment of the fiercest blow of the third wave of kovids, when 60 people die every day and almost 8,000 people are infected, Palma demands that all the Crisis Staff measures be abolished and that people let people live as if they were not there threatened by a deadly virus ?!

It is as if the hospitals are not overcrowded and the health system is stretched to the limit, so they are waiting with open arms and doors to all those that Markovic would “leave alone.” Not only is it clear, would the leader of United Serbia “leave them alone” even then – to die?

A mockery

Palma showed how frivolously he understands the fight against the epidemic with statements about vaccines, making up the names of diseases (equine flu) and vaccines (Palmeisha). Like a true anti-vaccine leader, he poked fun at a scientific achievement that saved hundreds of millions of lives.

– And here the coronavirus has arrived and the vaccine is the main topic. Why? They want to impose themselves, to be stronger than “Torlak”, the state tries, “Torlak” evaluates what vaccines are good, and what you have more now, to scare people every day with the crown and vaccines and if they should receive the vaccine or No. The vaccine is not compulsory in Serbia, whoever wants to receive it, who receives it – said Markovic in the Assembly inconsistently.

The JS leader showed incredible vanity, because as a really offended politician, he commented with humiliation how epidemiologists, virologists, doctors … took up space in the media. Isn’t it logical to listen to doctors, not politicians, during a pandemic?

He voted and now he wants to break the law

Finally, Markovic displayed unprecedented hypocrisy. Less than a month ago, it voted for the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, on the basis of which the authorities were granted greater powers to sanction those who do not adhere to the measures, and now it demands that they be repealed. all measures against the crown.

It showed that it never respected the Serbian Government’s measures this summer, when during the second wave of covids in Jagodina, the Panteleimon Fair was organized, attended by several thousand people, few of whom wore masks and respected physical distance. Palma justified this meeting by saying that “does someone in Belgrade rarely wear a mask” ?!

It is especially worrying and dangerous that, judging by the reader comments on the “Blic” website, Markovic has growing support for his anti-vaccination and anti-Vivid views !?

Criminal liability

At the end of the day, the question arises as to whether Palma should answer because, as a deputy in the highest legislative body, he spread disinformation that could result in the death of many people. The lawyers point out that the leader of United Serbia could be held liable under article 343 of the Penal Code for causing panic and disorder. That article says:

– Whoever causes panic by presenting or disseminating false news or complaints, or seriously disturbing public order or peace, or significantly hindering or hindering the execution of the decisions and measures of the state organs or agencies that exercise public power, will be sanctioned with imprisonment from three months to three years and a fine – says in the first paragraph.

Markovic’s responsibility is specifically determined by the second paragraph of that article of the Penal Code.

– If the act referred to in paragraph 1 of this article was committed through the media or similar means or in a public act, the perpetrator will be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years – as is establishes the Penal Code.

As a reminder, based on that article of the Penal Code, a group of 270 parents, led by pediatrician Tomislav Stevanović, filed a criminal complaint three years ago against 43 anti-vaccines. The report is in the High Technology Crimes Prosecutor’s Office and has not been rejected or accepted until today.

Pediatrician Tomislav Stevanović

Photo: TV Pink / New Morning / screenshot

Pediatrician Tomislav Stevanović

If the anti-vaccines had been condemned, Palma would not have passed

Pediatrician Tomislav Stevanović points out for “Blic” that Marković should be convicted for such statements.

– At the time when the state is fighting to get a kovid vaccine as soon as possible, there is such an unreasonable statement about the vaccine. Markovic would have to answer for sowing fear and panic about the vaccine, which carries the responsibility of spreading the epidemic, Stevanovic emphasizes for “Blic.”

Kon did not want to reply to Palma again

The leader of JS, Dragan Markovic Palma, again attacked epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon in his anti-vaccine enthusiasm in the Assembly and, among other things, said that he was afraid of a member of the Crisis Staff. Kon did not want to respond to Markovic.

Predrag Kon

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

As a reminder, two weeks ago, it already did so in similar attacks.

– Greetings to Mr. Palma! I am not so “scary” as to be afraid of me … However, the virus deserves respect … You should not be afraid of it either !!! Just respect the measurements !!! – Dr. Kon said at the time.

VIDEO: Dragan Markovic Palma attacks Dr. Kona
