Public Warning for Danica Popović – Society


“Prof. Dr. Danica Popović behaved in a non-academic manner when translating Dominique Salvatore’s International Economics textbook, so in the translation of the 12th edition of the textbook she did not adequately and timely emphasize the role of the Professor Stojan Babić, who is present in the 12th edition of the textbook. The work of the ninth edition is respected and respected ”, states in the report of the Ethics Commission of the Faculty of Economics, which Danas met.

Public reprimand to Danica Popović 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILAN OBRADOVIC

The Ethics Commission proposed that a measure of public reprimand be imposed on Professor Popović, and the last word will be given by the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics in tomorrow’s session.

It should be remembered that the now former student of the Faculty of Economics, Aleksandar Jaksic, presented a request for the establishment of plagiarism and copyright abuse against Professor Popovic, accusing her of erasing the name of Professor Stojan Babic, who was editor and translator together with her, when publishing the modified textbook. previous edition.

The ethics commission states in the report that it was unable to reach a conclusion about plagiarism in the translation of the International Economy textbook, taking into account the incomplete report of the Expert Commission, for which reason it could not determine the existence of or not of copyright infringement.

However, the Ethics Committee concludes that the conclusion of the Committee of Experts on the processing of translations points to the conclusion that Danica Popović, as translator, relied to some extent on parts of the first part of the 12th edition in the original translation and edition by Professor Stojan Babić. Considering that Babić was involved in editing the entire 9th edition, her editing work also had to leave a trace in the 12th edition of the textbook. For this reason, the Ethics Commission believes that Danica Popović did not emphasize the role of Professor Babić in an adequate and timely manner in carrying out the translation of the 12th edition of the textbook, “the report reads.

The Ethics Commission claims that Danica Popović herself admitted the omission in mentioning Babić’s name, saying that when the translation of the twelfth edition was completed, a major oversight was made and the translator’s preface was not included in the text. mentioning the name of Stojan Babić… “. The Ethics Commission stated that Babić’s role was highlighted only after the procedure to determine plagiarism was initiated, which is why the Commission considers that Popović acted in an unscrupulous and unprofessional manner.

– The campaign against me is politically motivated. I’m sorry it was started by people at my university. They will bear the consequences of everything they do, when the full truth comes out. Just as the truth came out in the case of Siniša Mali, even now dirty footprints will appear – Prof. Danica Popović briefly commented to Danas.

Incorrect tabloid accusations

The decision of the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics is expected in a rather heated environment fueled by the tabloid press, incorrect allegations that the Faculty management has already ordered the Editorial Center to return Professor Babic’s name to the list of international economics textbooks. It was confirmed to our list to the Faculty that this is not true as the case has not ended.

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