PSG: diesel must be below 115 dinars per liter, oil price is inappropriately high


The Free Citizens Movement (PSG) said it was urging the Serbian government to intervene urgently according to its authority and “protect consumers of petroleum products, mainly farmers, from inappropriately high prices for petroleum products and allow supply at market prices. ”

PSG said in a statement that “the price of crude oil on the world stock market is less than $ 20 a barrel, which means that the price of diesel must be less than 115 dinars per liter, including the consumption tax, which is it is among the highest in Serbia. “

“It is now possible to buy diesel in the region for 70 dinars. It is incomprehensible that the Serbian Oil Industry (NIS), which exploits the Vojvodina oil fields, with low mineral income, does not adequately lower the prices of petroleum products when the price of crude oil on world stock markets falls, but that’s why they are always ready to raise prices in the opposite situation “PSG said in a statement.

PSG claims that NIS “independently forms the wholesale and retail prices of petroleum products, while other participants only follow them, as most depend on them in the controlled supply chain.”

“The members of the Board of Directors on the Serbian side are not experts who negotiate professionally and in the interests of their citizens, but listeners who only observe their personal interests and those of the party to which they belong.”, it is stated

In a statement, PSG also stated that “Abusive oil market in Serbia”That is why it is proposed to the Government “to reestablish the Regulation that sets the maximum prices for petroleum products, pending the stabilization and normalization of the market.”

Author: Beta

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