Protic: Serbs overthrow rulers who usurp power – politics


Historian, politician and former ambassador Milan St. Protic said it was not true that the Serbian people loved “someone who slapped a hundred”, but removed the rulers only because they usurped power.

Protic: Serbs overthrow rulers who usurp power 1Photo: Screenshot / YouTube / NovaS

“It just came to our attention then. That is not true. We have overthrown all of our rulers throughout the 19th century when they sinned against their government. That is the only reason we keep them. Only for the usurpation of power.” said Protić for the new “Weekly”.

According to him, “there is no example that we remove, kill or expel a ruler of the country, without the usurpation of power.”

“It’s Milos, it’s Mihailo, King Milan, Aleksandar Obrenovic. Each of them was a usurper of power. Ultimately, this was Karadjordj’s main objection. Why did the dukes rebel? For King Peter it is clear it wasn’t like that and that’s why our opinion of him is the best, “said Protić.

When asked about the current president of Serbia, Protic first said that (Slobodan) Milosevic was important because he was a serious plague, but that “these are not”, they are already “bashibozuk, lumpenproletariat”. It is a social sediment. That’s why their names don’t matter. Not because of the one you ask me (Aleksandar Vučić). He’s a pale figure, ”Protić believes.

As he said, Vučić “is not a person of format, neither intellectual, nor political, nor moral”, and “he is a usurper of power, but an anonymous and nameless usurper”.

Speaking of the opposition, he gave his example with the assessment that “he made a name for himself” and that he “did not need RTS.”

“It is a message for those who are dealing with the opposition today. You do not need RTS, that is not the essence of the opposition’s work, nor is it how you come to power, nor how you defeat that usurper of power,” Protić said.

Regarding the main request for access to the opposition media, he responded that he was “wrong, because he will never get it.”

“As long as this government is in power, none of them will appear on RTS. If they appear, it will make you the worst in the world. So, look for alternative methods. Even a real opponent, even if they call you on RTS, will refuse to come. Why should I go? ”Protić said.

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