Protesters in Kragujevac: President, any court that judges will be tried – Society


In Kragujevac, last night they also shook sherpas, pots, lids, cookware and other utensils, and firecrackers were fired and whistles blew …

Protesters in Kragujevac: President, any court that judges will be tried 1Photo: Stanislav Milojković

… But not only on the terraces and windows of residential buildings in almost all local settlements, but also in Đacki Square, in front of the First Kragujevac Gymnasium, and in the middle of the Crown of Miloš (Prince Miloš palace complex), where it was literally in the first half of the 19th century. , created a modern state of Serbia, and where, at the invitation of the Civil Resistance, at 20.05, for the second time last week, dozens of Kragujevac gathered and, making noise, continued protests against the dictatorship of the Aleksandar Vučić regime, but also incompetent and irresponsible city authorities.

– I have maintained this coverage since the 90s of the last century, since when this fight has lasted, and will last until this dictator is removed from power. I think this fight is the last one and that is freedom. I think so, because I hope people will join, it’s about time, Dragana Milutinovic, a pensioner from Kragujevac, told reporters last night in Djacki Square, who hit the cover during the protest, which she said survived to the demonstrations against the Slobodan Milosevic regime. .

His secretary, Bogoljub Djordjevic, blew a shotgun at the protest and carried a banner on which, according to the Beta agency, it was written: “President, any court that judges will be tried.”

Most protesters expected that last night, which was common practice until the beginning of the year, as well as two nights before (last Thursday), they would start a protest walk through the streets of the city center again, but they were Resistencia, Nebojsa Veljkovic recalled that the gathering of more than 50 people is still prohibited, and that no problems should be created for the police, which, as he said, was correct for almost a year and a half, as long as the protests in Kragujevac, with brief interruptions, last.

Calling on citizens to disperse, so that “someone is not arrested,” Veljković noted that it is not normal for the ban on meetings to continue, if the electoral procedure continues. “

A new protest by Kragujevac citizens against the Aleksandar Vučić dictatorship has been announced for next Saturday, at which time, as expected, it will be known which parties have definitely decided to boycott the upcoming elections and which, in turn, have decided participate in them.

– We will all stand together on the one hand, as well as until the introduction of the state of emergency, and continue until the elections, perhaps even later, organizers of last night’s protest in the capital of Šumadija said.

Awakening of latent justice

Last Thursday, the rebellious citizens of Kragujevac arrived from the Student Square to the city center in an organized column, while making noise on the way, which was received by numerous fellow citizens from the terraces and windows of the buildings. The walk ended in Vojvode Radomir Putnik square, in front of the Palace of Justice, where a concert of several minutes was organized “for pots, pots, lids, cooks, whistles, drums and drums”, to awaken the inactive Kragujevac and the judiciary Serbian.

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