Protest of professors of the Faculty of Philology H1 Serbia


Professors, associates and students of the Faculty of Philology asked Plato before the Faculty of Philosophy to urgently schedule a session of the Scientific-Teaching Council to vote on the proposal for a new dean, and the request was attended in writing and delivered to the Ministry of Education.

The professor of the Faculty of Philosophy Leon Cohen, who is one of the signatories of the letter of support to the colleagues of the Faculty of Philology, said in the protest that such an act endangers the autonomy of the University, and that it is requested to the Ministry of Education to annul the ‘unsustainable solution’ of education. Organization of opportunities in the Faculty of Philology.

The professor of the Faculty of Philology Iva Draškić Vićanović said that, for the first time since 2006, the Scientific-Teaching Council elected several commissions and organs of the faculty who had waited for months and years for their training, which was interrupted by order of the Inspection of Education. for the election of the dean of that faculty scheduled for September 21, suspended.

He affirmed that as of 2006, the Faculty of Philology did not have the right to declare the election of the dean in secret, which “began the fall of the Faculty of Philology”, and that the secret vote was prevented by the interference of the teaching inspection .

philological faculty protestSource: / Nemanja Jovanović

“To put it mildly, it is unusual that the same educational inspection showed no interest in the collapse in which the previous dean, Ljiljana Markovic, introduced the Faculty of Philology, from legal misappropriations to criminal acts,” said Draskic Vicanovic.

He said that “students have the right to an institution with a legally elected dean”, adding that the order of the educational inspection, which prevented the election of the dean by secret ballot, “is a hard blow not only for the autonomy of the Faculty of Philology but also for the University of Belgrade “.

In the request sent to the Ministry of Education, the employees request the acting dean of the Faculty of Philology to urgently schedule a session of the Scientific-Teaching Council in which the proposal for a new dean will be voted on.

Some of the slogans are “Stop the financial mafia in Philology”, “We defend academic honesty”, “Philology is not for sale”, “Today a plagiarist is an academic tomorrow”.

The protest also sent a request for former dean Ljiljana Markovic to be relieved of her duties as an adviser to the Minister of Education.

In the protest, a letter addressed to the Rector, Senate and Council of the University of Belgrade was read and opened, in which it is indicated that “the academic and general public in Serbia have known for several years the scandals and abuses in the Belgrade Faculty of Philology: for extremely disorderly financial operations, huge income, number of employees, illicit accumulation of key functions and numerous cases of plagiarism ”.

All this was possible in part because of the deliberately fueled organizational chaos, which brought the Faculty of Philology to a state of complete institutional and legal disintegration. The Faculty has not been able to adopt a new statute that would be in line with the Higher Education Law and the Statute of the University of Belgrade. hold periodic elections for key bodies and properly constitute them, so that even today there is no Ethics Commission that can report cases of plagiarism and other forms of non-academic behavior, ”the letter reads.

It is no secret, as the letter adds, that “the greatest responsibility for such a situation rests with Professor Dr. Ljiljana Markovic, who was dean from 2016 to 2019, and then acting dean until July of this year when she was relieved of her duties. duties after a reprimand by the Ethics Committee of the University of Belgrade for various violations of the professional code of ethics. “
