Protest in front of the trampoline over vaccines


Several dozen citizens protested in front of the Public Health Institute “Trampoline” in protest against, as they say, the announced tests of vaccines against coronavirus.

The protest came after the Reuters news agency reported on Saturday that Serbia, along with Pakistan and two other countries, agreed to participate in tests of the coronavirus vaccine produced by the Chinese company CNBG.

However, Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar denied this, saying that the conditions for such tests were not met in the country, saying that it would be the officials who would appear before the public if something like this happened.

The protest is led by Dr. Jovana Stojković, who told the gathering that the Minister of Education announced that children will be separated from their parents if they are not vaccinated, so that the gathered people carry banners “We will not give them children”.

protest, beatenSource: H1

Stojkovic links vaccines to billionaire Bill Gates and claims that there is no evidence that vaccines are safe and can cause serious side effects.

Advocates for the right of parents to choose the best for their children. They also rallied against the announcement that children who will have coronavirus symptoms while at school will be screened without parental consent.

There were several members of the Ministry of the Interior around the “Trampoline” building, the protest passed peacefully and rarely did any of the participants wear protective masks.

After the protest in front of “Trampoline”, the group went to the building of the Serbian Ministry of Health.
