Protest at Djacki trg in Kragujevac


The Kragujevac civil resistance organized support for the action “Noise against the dictatorship” in ckacki trg on Saturday night, and those gathered at 20.05 for a few minutes beat the Sherpas, whistled and blew whistles and trumpets. Among the several dozen gathered, the “veterans” of the protest made the loudest noise, bringing in their sherpas and whistles from the 1990s.

Pensioner Dragana Milutinović hit the lid, which “survived” protests against Slobodan Milošević’s regime with a few scratches.

“I have maintained this coverage since the 1990s, when this fight lasted, and will last until this dictator is removed from power. I think this fight is the last and it is freedom. I think so, because I hope that people will join because – it’s about time, “he said.

Bogoljub Djordjevic, an elderly resident of Kragujevac, who was “regular” in all protests in Djacki trg against the current government, blew a whistle tonight and carried a banner “President, any court he judges will be tried.”

Some citizens demanded that a protest walk be held tonight, as it was before, until a state of emergency was imposed.

Kragujevac Civil Resistance activist Nebojsa Veljkovic said there would be no walks because gatherings of more than 50 people were prohibited and would not cause problems for the police because “they were correct for a year and a few days.”

He called on citizens to disperse so that someone is not arrested and does not do “unnecessary work” for the police, and there were also citizens who shouted that they were ready to be arrested.

In his speech, Veljković said he considered it abnormal that the ban on meetings should continue, if the electoral process had already continued.

“We will see that next Saturday we will report the rally at 20.05 and we will meet in greater numbers,” he said, expressing the expectation that an agreement on additional “guidelines for action” will be reached. As he added, until then, it will be seen which parties decided to boycott the elections.

“We will all stand aside, as well as until the introduction of the state of emergency, and continue until the elections, perhaps even later,” Veljković said.
