Prosecutor Zagorka Dolovac also hides from the public and the cameras with her papers


And that the prosecutor Zagorka Dolovac is hiding from the public, we could see it even today.

That is, while the H1 reporter was reporting in front of the building of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, Zagorka Dolovac also left that building. It seems that the prosecutor did not want her visit to the Presidency to be witnessed, not even in the background. So he got in the car and covered his face with a piece of paper.

Earlier, the President of Serbia, in his speech, commented interview of the President of the High Court, Aleksandar Stepanović For Crick, that there are no significant cases of high corruption before the courts because the court did not receive those cases from the Prosecutor’s Office. Vučić said that Stepanović forgot several mayors, several deputy ministers, directors of important public companies, and that this forgetfulness occurs “when they tell you what to say in the embassies.”

Apparently, Dolovac had a meeting with the president or someone from his cabinet immediately after this press conference. There was no official announcement.
